Amazon Web Services 한국 블로그
AWS 주간 소식 모음 – 2019년 5월 20일
안녕하세요! 여러분~ 매주 월요일 마다 지난 주에 업데이트된 국내 AWS관련 콘텐츠를 정리해 드립니다.
지난 주에는 서울 리전에 세번째 가용 영역(AZ)가 추가 되었습니다. 또한, AWS Summit의 모든 세션 동영상이 공개되었습니다. 전체 발표 자료와 함께 보시기 바랍니다. 주요 AWS 고객들이 직접 발표한 세션들도 챙겨 보시면 도움이 될 것입니다.
AWS 클라우드에 대한 새로운 소식을 확인하시는데 많은 도움 되시길 바랍니다. 혹시 빠지거나 추가할 내용이 있으시면, 저에게 메일 주시면 추가 공유해 드리겠습니다.
AWS코리아 블로그
- AWS Lambda 및 Lambda@Edge 실행 환경에 대한 향후 업데이트 계획 안내 (2019-05-17)
- 서울 리전 세번째 가용 영역(AZ) 추가 및 AWS를 통한 한국 고객의 글로벌 도전 이야기 (2019-05-17)
- AWS Amplify를 이용한 Android 앱 개발 실습 – 2부 (2019-05-15)
- AWS Amplify를 이용한 Android 앱 개발 실습 – 1부 (2019-05-15)
- AWS에서 최대 90% 저렴한 컴퓨팅 비용으로 대규모 게임 서버 실행하기 (2019-05-14)
- AWS 개발자 도구를 활용한 GitFlow 구현 방법 (2019-05-14)
- AWS Systems Manager를 통한 VPC내 Windows 인스턴스 패치 방법 (2019-05-14)
AWS 추천 콘텐츠
- AWS로 시작하는 서버리스 웹 앱 (2019-05-17)
- AWS DeepRacer를 시작하기 전에 살펴볼 내용 (2019-05-17)
- 아마존 웹 서비스 네트워크의 기초 (2019-05-14)
AWS 신규 기능(영문)
- AWS Elemental MediaPackage Adds Support for Just-in-Time Packaging for Video On Demand (2019-05-18)
- Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) now supports R5 instances in US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland) (2019-05-18)
- Amazon GuardDuty Adds Two New Threat Detections (2019-05-18)
- Amazon AppStream 2.0 adds configurable timeouts for idle sessions (2019-05-18)
- AWS Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region Adds Third Availability Zone (2019-05-18)
- Amazon SNS Adds Support for Cost Allocation Tags (2019-05-17)
- Amazon FSx for Lustre Is Now SOC Compliant (2019-05-17)
- Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Is Now SOC Compliant (2019-05-17)
- Amazon RDS for Oracle now supports April Oracle Patch Set Updates (PSU) and Release Updates (RU) (2019-05-17)
- Amazon RDS for MySQL Supports Password Validation (2019-05-17)
- New Quick Start deploys Micro Focus Operations Orchestration on AWS (2019-05-17)
- AWS IoT Analytics Now Supports Data Set Content Delivery to Amazon S3 (2019-05-16)
- Introducing the Amazon Connect Service Delivery (2019-05-16)
- Amazon EC2 On-Demand Capacity Reservations are now available in AWS GovCloud Regions (2019-05-16)
- AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region Adds Third Availability Zone (2019-05-16)
- Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is now available in the AWS Europe (Stockholm) region (2019-05-16)
- AWS Cloud9 is Now Available in the EU (Frankfurt) Region (2019-05-16)
- AWS Firewall Manager Available in Four Additional Regions (2019-05-16)
- Amazon ElastiCache for Redis adds support for Redis 5.0.4 (2019-05-16)
- Quickly Search for Resources across Services in the AWS Developer Tools Console (2019-05-16)
- Amazon Transcribe now supports Hindi and Indian-accented English (2019-05-16)
- AWS Lambda adds support for Node.js v10 (2019-05-14)
- AWS License Manager is Now Available in Additional Regions (2019-05-16)
- AWS AppSync Now Supports Configuring Multiple Authorization Types for GraphQL APIs (2019-05-16)
- AWS IoT Device Defender supports monitoring behavior of unregistered devices (2019-05-16)
AWS 제품별 블로그(영문)
- [게임기술] How EA reaches and delights players using data and AI (2019-05-15)
- [고객센터] Testing accuracy and regression with Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex (2019-05-16)
- [고객센터] Using Amazon Pinpoint to send text messages in Amazon Connect (2019-05-16)
- [고객센터] Creating dynamic, personalized experiences in Amazon Connect (2019-05-14)
- [관리도구] Standardizing infrastructure delivery in distributed environments using AWS Service Catalog (2019-05-18)
- [기계학습] Exploring data warehouse tables with machine learning and Amazon SageMaker notebooks (2019-05-18)
- [기업생산성] Build custom chat bots for Amazon Chime (2019-05-15)
- [데스크톱] Stream your FlexApps with your Amazon AppStream 2.0 environment (2019-05-16)
- [데이터베이스] How SimilarWeb moved to Amazon DynamoDB from Couchbase and saved 70% (2019-05-15)
- [메시징] Send text messages in Amazon Connect by integrating Amazon Pinpoint (2019-05-17)
- [모바일] Using multiple authorization types with AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs (2019-05-16)
- [미디어] Demonstrating Edge Video Processing for Tactical Environments (2019-05-15)
- [미디어] Sky: Something New at the Royal Wedding (2019-05-14)
- [미디어] In the News: Hotstar Sets New Global Record for Live Viewership (2019-05-14)
- [보안/인증] AWS Security Profiles: Tracy Pierce, Senior Consultant, Security Specialty, Remote Consulting Services (2019-05-18)
- [보안/인증] Spring 2019 SOC 2 Type 1 Privacy report now available (2019-05-17)
- [보안/인증] Spring 2019 SOC reports now available with 104 services in scope (2019-05-17)
- [보안/인증] Create fine-grained session permissions using IAM managed policies (2019-05-14)
- [보안/인증] How to share encrypted AMIs across accounts to launch encrypted EC2 instances (2019-05-14)
- [보안/인증] How to quickly launch encrypted EBS-backed EC2 instances from unencrypted AMIs (2019-05-14)
- [빅데이터] Test data quality at scale with Deequ (2019-05-17)
- [사물인터넷] AWS Makes It Easier for Embedded Developers to Build IoT Applications with Additional Preconfigured Examples for FreeRTOS on Armv8-M Architectures (2019-05-14)
- [스타트업] Israeli Startup Optibus Uses Tech to Cure Public Transit Woes (2019-05-18)
- [스타트업] Leave Boring Presentations Behind with Powtoon (2019-05-18)
- [스타트업] Solve Education! CEO Janine Teo on Her Company’s Start and How They Use Technology (2019-05-18)
- [스타트업] Bridgement Removes Financial Barriers for Small Businesses Through Smart Data Use (2019-05-16)
- [스타트업] Simplaex CTO Moti Tal on Building Trust Between Advertisers and Publishers (2019-05-15)
- [아키텍처] Building an AWS Landing Zone from Scratch in Six Weeks (2019-05-18)
- [엔터프라이즈] Announcing my New Book, War & Peace & IT – a Resource for Enterprise Leaders in the Digital Age (2019-05-15)
- [엔터프라이즈] Ahead in the Cloud: Colleen Camuccio of Dow Jones (2019-05-14)
- [오픈소스] Build Your Own: Open Distro for Elasticsearch Build Scripts Now Available (2019-05-17)
- [오픈소스] Running Open Distro for Elasticsearch on Kubernetes (2019-05-16)
- [컴퓨팅] ICYMI: Serverless Q1 2019 (2019-05-15)
- [컴퓨팅] Upcoming updates to the AWS Lambda and AWS Lambda@Edge execution environment (2019-05-15)
- [파트너] Announcing Our Global 2019 APN Partners of the Year (2019-05-18)
- [파트너] Storing and Sharing Files with Amazon FSx in a VMware Cloud on AWS Environment (2019-05-18)
- [파트너] Troubleshooting, Monitoring, and Cost Tracking for Serverless Applications (2019-05-16)
- [파트너] Building a Cloud-Based Contact Center with Amazon Connect Service Delivery Partners (2019-05-16)
- [파트너] Say Hello to 34 New AWS Competency, MSP, and Service Delivery Partners Added in April (2019-05-15)
- [AUSG 초보자를 위한 AWS 뿌시기] AWS와 create-react-app으로 달리기 게임을 뚝딱! (5월 22일)
- AWS Amplify 기반 서버리스 실습 워크샵 (5월 25일)
- AWSKRUG 데이터베이스모임 (5월 28일)
- AWSKRUG #architecture 소모임 – 22번째 모임 (5월 30일)
AWS 주요 파트너사 블로그
- [메가존] New – I/O 최적화 EC2 인스턴스의 차세대 (I3en) (2019-05-17)
- [메가존] Open Source 블로그의 새로운 기능: Amazon EKS와 FSx for Lustre CSI Driver 사용 (2019-05-16)
- [메가존] 기술과 클라우드는 시민들의 데이터를 어떻게 투명하게 할까? (2019-05-15)
- [메가존] 글로벌 공공재로서 Geo-Diversity Open Training 데이터 (2019-05-14)
- [메가존] Amplify Framework에서 AWS AppSync API 구축할 수 있는 새로운 기능… Amazon Aurora Serverless와 GraphQL Transform (2019-05-13)
- [GS네오텍] AWS EMR Series – Multi-master 기능 간단 확인 (2019-05-17)
- [슈퍼트랙] (2019년 신규) AWS 공인 자격증 시험 신청 및 등록 방법 안내 (2019-05-17)
AWS 코리아의 주요 이벤트 일정과 지난 행사 모음은 3개월 일정 안내에서 확인하실 수 있으며, AWS 공인 교육 일정은 공인 교육 센터 및 프로그램별 일정을 통해 확인하시면 됩니다.
AWS 관련 새 소식을 확인하고 싶으시다면, 매주 업데이트 되는 AWS 주간 소식 모음을 살펴 보시기 바랍니다. 좀 더 빠르게 새소식을 접하시고 싶다면, 이메일 구독 신청을 하시거나, 트위터나 페이스북을 팔로우 하세요.
이번 한주도 즐겁게 보내시고, 다음주에 다시 만나요!
– Channy(윤석찬);