既然您擁有 CategoryIndex,您可以使用它來擷取具有特殊類別的所有書。使用次要索引查詢資料表與使用 Query API 呼叫類似。您現在將次要名稱新增至 API 呼叫。
當您新增全域次要索引至現有資料表時,DynamoDB 會使用資料表中的現有項目填充索引。填充完所有項目後,索引可供查詢。填充時間視資料表大小而異。
您可以使用 query_with_index.py 指令碼查詢新索引。在終端機中使用以下命令執行此指令碼。
$ python query_with_index.py
該命令執行以下指令碼來擷取書店中 Category 為 Suspense 的所有書。
import time
import boto3
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key
# Boto3 is the AWS SDK library for Python.
# The "resources" interface allows for a higher-level abstraction than the low-level client interface.
# For more details, go to http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/resources.html
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='us-east-1')
table = dynamodb.Table('Books')
# When adding a global secondary index to an existing table, you cannot query the index until it has been backfilled.
# This portion of the script waits until the index is in the “ACTIVE” status, indicating it is ready to be queried.
while True:
if not table.global_secondary_indexes or table.global_secondary_indexes[0]['IndexStatus'] != 'ACTIVE':
print('Waiting for index to backfill...')
# When making a Query call, you use the KeyConditionExpression parameter to specify the hash key on which you want to query.
# If you want to use a specific index, you also need to pass the IndexName in our API call.
resp = table.query(
# Add the name of the index you want to use in your query.
print("The query returned the following items:")
for item in resp['Items']:
$ python query_with_index.py
The query returned the following items:
{'Title': 'The Firm', 'Formats': {'Hardcover': 'Q7QWE3U2', 'Paperback': 'ZVZAYY4F', 'Audiobook': 'DJ9KS9NM'}, 'Author': 'John Grisham', 'Category': 'Suspense'}
{'Title': 'The Rainmaker', 'Formats': {'Hardcover': 'J4SUKVGU', 'Paperback': 'D7YF4FCX'}, 'Author': 'John Grisham', 'Category': 'Suspense'}
{'Title': 'Along Came a Spider', 'Formats': {'Hardcover': 'C9NR6RJ7', 'Paperback': '37JVGDZG', 'Audiobook': '6348WX3U'}, 'Author': 'James Patterson', 'Category': 'Suspense'}
在下一個單元,您將了解如何使用 UpdateItem API 更新資料表中現有項目的屬性。