Pizza Hut Australia Migrates to AWS, Gives Away 10,000 Pizzas in Only 70 Seconds


Introduced to Australia in 1970, Pizza Hut became famous for its “red-roofed” restaurants and family atmosphere. Fast forward to today, disruptions in the industry prompted an ever-increasing focus on digital channels for quick service restaurants. In this video, Phil Reed, CEO, and Wayne McMahon, CIO of Pizza Hut Australia, explain how the brand took what was once an unstable infrastructure and began building on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to achieve scalability, reliability, and maintain a secure platform for serving its customers. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the team launched a marketing promotion for 10,000 free pizzas each day for five days. In what proved to be a real-world test of the new platform built on AWS, Pizza Hut Australia successfully gave away 10,000 pizzas in 70 seconds, providing a seamless and delightful experience for its customers. “It is a fantastic testimony to not only the design and architecture of our platform, but the strength of the AWS Cloud,” says McMahon. “That means the small team I’ve got can focus on new innovative ideas and new tech solutions.”

Learn more about AWS for Restaurants:

10,000 Pizzas in 70 Seconds (5:06)

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