Create and Manage a Nonrelational Database

with Amazon DynamoDB

Module 4: Updating Items

You will use the UpdateItem API to update attributes of an existing item in our database


In this module, you use the UpdateItem API to update attributes of an existing item in our database

Application use cases

In addition to writing and reading data, you regularly want to update existing data in a database. It's best if you can update this data in a single call rather than first reading an item and then writing back the full item with our given updates. DynamoDB allows you to update items in place by using the UpdateItem API call.

For this example, recall that each item has a Formats attribute, which is a map of all the different formats your bookstore has for a given title. Over time, this map needs to be updated for a specific book, either because you have added a new format or because you stopped carrying a format.

 Time to complete

15 minutes


  • When updating an item in your application code, focus on four elements:

    • The Key that identifies the item you want to update.
    • Expression attribute names, which are placeholders for the attributes you want to update.
    • Expression attribute values, which are placeholders for the values to which you want to update your attributes.
    • The update expression, which uses the expression attribute names and expression attribute values to declare the updates you want. Imagine that you have recently added an audiobook format for John Grisham's The Rainmaker, and you want to update our DynamoDB table to reflect that change. The UpdateItem API call would look as follows.
    # The UpdateItem API allows you to update a particular item as identified by its key.
    resp = table.update_item(
        Key={"Author": "John Grisham", "Title": "The Rainmaker"},
        # Expression attribute names specify placeholders for attribute names to use in your update expressions.
            "#formats": "Formats",
            "#audiobook": "Audiobook",
        # Expression attribute values specify placeholders for attribute values to use in your update expressions.
            ":id": "8WE3KPTP",
        # UpdateExpression declares the updates you want to perform on your item.
        # For more details about update expressions, see
        UpdateExpression="SET #formats.#audiobook = :id",

    Your UpdateItem API call has each of the four elements. First, it specifies the Key of the item it wants to operate on by providing the Author as John Grisham and the Title as The Rainmaker.

    Second, you specify the expression attribute names that you will use in your update expression. You are modifying the Formats attribute, which is a map, so you need to define expression attribute names for both the attribute (Formats) and the key within your map (Audiobook).

    Finally, you write the update expression that you want to apply in your UpdateItem API call. This update expression uses both the expression attribute names and expression attribute values as previously defined. Your expression of SET #formats.#audiobook = :id tells DynamoDB to set the Audiobook key of the Formats attribute to the given ID value of 8WE3KPTP

    Third, you state the value you want to use in the expression attribute values. In your Formats map, the value for a format is the item number in your inventory system. In this example, the value is 8WE3KPTP.

    The script makes the UpdateItem API call shown in the code block earlier in the module. To demonstrate the difference made by the call, the script first retrieves and prints the item before the update call is made. It then makes the UpdateItem API call. Finally, the script retrieves and prints the item a second time to show the difference.

    You need to add a few lines of code before you run the script. Open in Cloud9, and paste the following three lines at the top of the script:

    import boto3
    dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='us-east-1')
    table = dynamodb.Table('Books')

    Next, run the following command:

    $ python
    Now, run the following command:
    $ python
    You should see the following output:
    {'Title': 'The Rainmaker', 'Formats': {'Audiobook': '8WE3KPTP', 'Hardcover': 'J4SUKVGU', 'Paperback': 'D7YF4FCX'}, 'Author': 'John Grisham', 'Category': 'Suspense'}
    As you can see, The Rainmaker has a new Audiobook format after the update has been applied.

    In this module, you learned how to update an existing item with the UpdateItem API. In the next module, you learn how to clean up the resources you created to avoid additional charges.

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