
How to sell in AWS Marketplace

A guide for sellers to sell and grow their business in AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace makes it easy for ISVs to list products, expand customer reach, and enable customers to quickly buy and deploy their products. Learn how to sell your products and services on AWS Marketplace, grow your business and more with this selling in AWS Marketplace guide.


Once you have successfully adopted AWS Marketplace as a transaction mechanism and are co-selling with AWS, look at opportunities to scale with Channel Partners and AWS Marketplace features. 

Channel Partner Private Offers

Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO) enables Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to authorize Channel Partners to receive wholesale pricing on their software and professional services. This feature allows Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to authorize Channel Partners to own and maintain the financial and contractual relationship with customers in AWS Marketplace.

ISVs can leverage Channel Partners to scale their salesforce, reach new customers, and provide additional services and expertise to customers. 

ISV Authorizes a CP to sell on AWS Marketplace

Global Expansion with AWS Marketplace

Leverage AWS Marketpalce to expand your global footprint. AWS Marketplace offers tools, features, and support to make it easier to tailor your solutions to better meet the needs of local customers. Review the AWS Marketplace Global Expansion Playbook for details on best practices for setting up your account, using AWS Marketplace Operators, geo-fencing, and more. 

AWS Marketplace Integrations

AWS Marketplace offers integration capabilities such as AWS Marketplace APIs and CRM connectors to enable you to streamline your offer creation capabilities. By developing strong integrations, you can reduce friction for your sales organization to leverage AWS Marketplace and minimize manual processes.

Learn how to better optimize your offer creation experience with AWS Marketplace APIs and AWS Marketplace Salesforce CRM connector. 


Workshops to help you scale

Check out workshops to help scale your operations through CRM connectors and APIs.