Amazon Lex Automated Chatbot Designer

Accelerate conversation design


Amazon Lex Automated chatbot designer helps you design chatbots using existing conversation transcripts in hours rather than weeks. Using machine learning (ML), it can analyze thousands of lines of transcripts in a couple of hours and provide an initial bot design that includes common intents and the information needed to fulfill them. You can iterate on the bot design to deliver effective conversational experiences.

Designing conversational interfaces or chatbots is manual, time consuming, and prone to human errors. Developers often spend hundreds of hours analyzing transcripts and gathering the key information needed to design chatbots. With the automated chatbot designer, you can offload the analysis of conversation transcripts to Amazon Lex and accelerate the design of your chatbots, reduce errors, and improve your customer experience.

Automated chatbot designer is free for two hours of training time per month for first two months with AWS free tier.


Analyze thousands of lines of transcripts to discover intents and compile a list of information required to fulfill them, reducing manual effort in conversation design.
Automatically surface an initial bot design that you can then refine to launch conversational experiences faster.
Help your bot understand customers better by minimizing ambiguity between intents. Ensure that intents are well defined and well separated to avoid frustration and improve customer experience.

Use Cases

Create self-service conversational experiences for channels such as websites, messaging platforms (like Facebook Messenger), and contact centers.

Use your Contact Lens for Amazon Connect conversation transcripts to design new chatbots and voice bots in hours rather than weeks.

Automate discovery of intents and expedite migrations from legacy interactive voice response (IVR) to conversational artificial intelligence (CAI).