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Configuration driven dynamic multi-account CI/CD solution on AWS

Many organizations require durable automated code delivery for their applications. They leverage multi-account continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to deploy code and run automated tests in multiple environments before deploying to Production. In cases where the testing strategy is release specific, you must update the pipeline before every release. Traditional pipeline stages are predefined and static in nature, and once the pipeline stages are defined it’s hard to update them. In this post, we present a configuration driven dynamic CI/CD solution per repository. The pipeline state is maintained and governed by configurations stored in Amazon DynamoDB. This gives you the advantage of automatically customizing the pipeline for every release based on the testing requirements.

By following this post, you will set up a dynamic multi-account CI/CD solution. Your pipeline will deploy and test a sample pet store API application. Refer to Automating your API testing with AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, and Postman for more details on this application. New code deployments will be delivered with custom pipeline stages based on the pipeline configuration that you create. This solution uses services such as AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), AWS CloudFormation, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and AWS Step Functions.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture:

The image represents the solution workflow, highlighting the integration of the AWS components involved.

Figure 1: Architecture Diagram

  1. Users insert/update/delete entry in the DynamoDB table.
  2. The Step Function Trigger Lambda is invoked on all modifications.
  3. The Step Function Trigger Lambda evaluates the incoming event and does the following:
    1. On insert and update, triggers the Step Function.
    2. On delete, finds the appropriate CloudFormation stack and deletes it.
  4. Steps in the Step Function are as follows:
    1. Collect Information (Pass State) – Filters the relevant information from the event, such as repositoryName and referenceName.
    2. Get Mapping Information (Backed by CodeCommit event filter Lambda) – Retrieves the mapping information from the Pipeline config stored in the DynamoDB.
    3. Deployment Configuration Exist? (Choice State) – If the StatusCode == 200, then the DynamoDB entry is found, and Initiate CloudFormation Stack step is invoked, or else StepFunction exits with Successful.
    4. Initiate CloudFormation Stack (Backed by stack create Lambda) – Constructs the CloudFormation parameters and creates/updates the dynamic pipeline based on the configuration stored in the DynamoDB via CloudFormation.

Code deliverables

The code deliverables include the following:

  1. AWS CDK app – The AWS CDK app contains the code for all the Lambdas, Step Functions, and CloudFormation templates.
  2. sample-application-repo – This directory contains the sample application repository used for deployment.
  3. automated-tests-repo– This directory contains the sample automated tests repository for testing the sample repo.

Deploying the CI/CD solution

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Follow the README to deploy the solution to your main CI/CD account. Upon successful deployment, the following resources should be created in the CI/CD account:
    1. A DynamoDB table
    2. Step Function
    3. Lambda Functions
  3. Navigate to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) console in your main CI/CD account and search for a bucket with the name: cloudformation-template-bucket-<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>. You should see two CloudFormation templates (templates/codepipeline.yaml and templates/childaccount.yaml) uploaded to this bucket.
  4. Run the childaccount.yaml in every target CI/CD account (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Prod) by going to the CloudFormation Console. Provide the main CI/CD account number as the “CentralAwsAccountId” parameter, and execute.
  5. Upon successful creation of Stack, two roles will be created in the Child Accounts:
    1. ChildAccountFormationRole
    2. ChildAccountDeployerRole

Pipeline configuration

Make an entry into devops-pipeline-table-info for the Repository name and branch combination. A sample entry can be found in sample-entry.json.

The pipeline is highly configurable, and everything can be configured through the DynamoDB entry.

The following are the top-level keys:

RepoName: Name of the repository for which AWS CodePipeline is configured.
RepoTag: Name of the branch used in CodePipeline.
BuildImage: Build image used for application AWS CodeBuild project.
BuildSpecFile: Buildspec file used in the application CodeBuild project.
DeploymentConfigurations: This key holds the deployment configurations for the pipeline. Under this key are the environment specific configurations. In our case, we’ve named our environments Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Prod. You can configure to any name you like, but make sure that the entries in json are the same as in the codepipeline.yaml CloudFormation template. This is because there is a 1:1 mapping between them. Sub-level keys under DeploymentConfigurations are as follows:

  • EnvironmentName. This is the top-level key for environment specific configuration. In our case, it’s Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Prod. Sub level keys under this are:
    • <Env>AwsAccountId: AWS account ID of the target environment.
    • Deploy<Env>: A key specifying whether or not the artifact should be deployed to this environment. Based on its value, the CodePipeline will have a deployment stage to this environment.
    • ManualApproval<Env>: Key representing whether or not manual approval is required before deployment. Enter your email or set to false.
    • Tests: Once again, this is a top-level key with sub-level keys. This key holds the test related information to be run on specific environments. Each test based on whether or not it will be run will add an additional step to the CodePipeline. The tests’ related information is also configurable with the ability to specify the test repository, branch name, buildspec file, and build image for testing the CodeBuild project.


  1. Make an entry into the devops-pipeline-table-info DynamoDB table in the main CI/CD account. A sample entry can be found in sample-entry.json. Make sure to replace the configuration values with appropriate values for your environment. An explanation of the values can be found in the Pipeline Configuration section above.
  2. After the entry is made in the DynamoDB table, you should see a CloudFormation stack being created. This CloudFormation stack will deploy the CodePipeline in the main CI/CD account by reading and using the entry in the DynamoDB table.

Customize the solution for different combinations such as deploying to an environment while skipping for others by updating the pipeline configurations stored in the devops-pipeline-table-info DynamoDB table. The following is the pipeline configured for the sample-application repository’s main branch.

The image represents the dynamic CI/CD pipeline deployed in your account.

The image represents the dynamic CI/CD pipeline deployed in your account.

The image represents the dynamic CI/CD pipeline deployed in your account.

The image represents the dynamic CI/CD pipeline deployed in your account.

Figure 2: Dynamic Multi-Account CI/CD Pipeline

Clean up your dynamic multi-account CI/CD solution and related resources

To avoid ongoing charges for the resources that you created following this post, you should delete the following:

  1. The pipeline configuration stored in the DynamoDB
  2. The CloudFormation stacks deployed in the target CI/CD accounts
  3. The AWS CDK app deployed in the main CI/CD account
  4. Empty and delete the retained S3 buckets.


This configuration-driven CI/CD solution provides the ability to dynamically create and configure your pipelines in DynamoDB. IDEMIA, a global leader in identity technologies, adopted this approach for deploying their microservices based application across environments. This solution created by AWS Professional Services allowed them to dynamically create and configure their pipelines per repository per release. As Kunal Bajaj, Tech Lead of IDEMIA, states, “We worked with AWS pro-serve team to create a dynamic CI/CD solution using lambdas, step functions, SQS, and other native AWS services to conduct cross-account deployments to our different environments while providing us the flexibility to add tests and approvals as needed by the business.”

About the authors:

Anshul Saxena

Anshul is a Cloud Application Architect at AWS Professional Services and works with customers helping them in their cloud adoption journey. His expertise lies in DevOps, serverless architectures, and architecting and implementing cloud native solutions aligning with best practices.

Libin Roy

Libin is a Cloud Infrastructure Architect at AWS Professional Services. He enjoys working with customers to design and build cloud native solutions to accelerate their cloud journey. Outside of work, he enjoys traveling, cooking, playing sports and weight training.