When building a turn-based game, you need some way to contact your users to notify them of important events. This includes alerting them that a new game is started, notifying them that it is their turn to play, or informing them that a game has ended.
In this module, you use Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to notify your users. Amazon SNS is a fully-managed messaging system that allows for pub/sub functionality as well as direct messaging to SMS and email.
Amazon SNS has pay-per-use pricing, so you are only billed for the messages you send. You don’t need to provision throughput ahead of time.
Time to Complete Module: 20 Minutes
In this module, you learned about Amazon SNS and the different modes of using Amazon SNS. Then, you sent a test SMS message to yourself using Amazon SNS. Amazon SNS is a fully-managed, scalable way to send SMS messages.
In the next module, you configure Amazon Cognito to add authentication to your application.