In this module, you use your application that you’ve deployed. Before you do that, let’s do a quick recap of the AWS components you’re using in your application:
- Amazon DynamoDB for data storage, including the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js with IAM authentication to read and write data to your database.
- Amazon SNS for SMS messaging to alert your users of important events in the game.
- Amazon Cognito for user registration and authentication.
- AWS Lambda for compute.
- Amazon API Gateway for HTTP-based access to your Lambda function.
Let’s see how each of these pieces tie together. In the following steps, you walk through your different application endpoints using these components.
First, you start with a Registration endpoint, where a new user signs up and creates their account.
Second, you use a Login endpoint where a user can use a client (such as a web application or a mobile app) to authenticate and receive an ID token.
Third, you use a CreateGame endpoint to create a new game between two users.
Fourth, you use the FetchGame endpoint to retrieve the current state of a game for display in a browser.
Finally, you use the PerformMove endpoint to simulate users makig moves and to trigger SMS messages.
Time to Complete Module: 20 Minutes
In this module, you exercised your working endpoints to see how your components worked together. First, you registered two new users that would simulate playing your game. Second, you exercised the login endpoint to fetch ID tokens for your users that can be used by the client to authenticate the user. Third, you used this ID token to create a new game with a user. Fourth, you fetched the current status of the game. Finally, you performed some moves with your users to simulate playing the game.
In the next module, you clean up the resources you created.