Jeremy Daly

AWS Serverless Hero

 Jeremy Daly, CEO and Co-founder at Ampt

 Boston, USA

 Hero since 2019

Jeremy is the CEO and Co-founder at Ampt. He began building cloud-based applications with AWS in 2009, but after discovering Lambda, became a passionate advocate for serverless computing and managed services. He now writes extensively about serverless on his blog, publishes a weekly newsletter about all things serverless called Off-by-none, and hosts the [Serverless Chats ]( podcast. As an active member of the serverless community, Jeremy contributes to a number of open source serverless projects, and has created several others, including Lambda API, Serverless MySQL, and the DynamoDB Toolbox. He is a frequent guest on podcasts and webinars, and a co-organizer of ServerlessDays Boston.

Jeremy has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using serverless, and frequently works with companies and individuals transitioning away from the traditional “server-full” approach. You can find him chatting about serverless on X, LinkedIn, live streams, and conference stages around the world.

Learn More About Jeremy

Off-by-none Newsletter
Serverless Chats Podcast

What is the AWS Heroes Program?

The AWS Heroes program recognizes a vibrant, worldwide group of AWS experts whose enthusiasm for knowledge-sharing has had a real impact within the community. Heroes go above and beyond to share AWS knowledge via social media, blog posts, videos, open source projects, events, user groups, and more.