AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Technical Use Cases

AWS DynamoDB

Serverless Architectures with Java 8, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB — Part 1

This post is part 1 of a two-part series. In this post, I focus on data modeling with DynamoDB. I describe an example use case to demonstrate alternative ways of modeling the same data, and the pros and cons of each approach. Proper data modeling is an essential prerequisite to beginning the development of a back end service.

AWS serverless architecture

Triggering Lambda Functions via Text Messages

Post by Sunil Mallya, Solutions Architect, AWS Time is the most critical component in the startup equation. Startups should maximize their time with customers and focus on building a better product, not spending their time managing infrastructure and servers. Amazon continues to build services that abstract complex components and focus on making it easy to […]

The Case for Deployment Pipelines

At, we put pipelines on our “really going to do” list. By adopting a pipeline-based approach, we gained immediate returns that we could measure in hard numbers like less downtime, faster release schedules, and reliable fixes. Pipelines made our software more stable, easier to maintain, and safer to change. Here are the benefits and how to get started.