AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Machine Learning

AWS Educate Members Now Receive Exclusive Access to Content on Udacity’s Nanodegree Program on Machine Learning

AWS Educate is committed to providing students and educators with resources needed to accelerate cloud learning, which is why we have collaborated with Udacity – an online education provider for lifelong learners – to bring our members access to skills, knowledge, and practice for today’s machine learning technology. Beginning on May 18th, AWS Educate members will receive an exclusive benefit of $200 worth of free content on their Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree Program. With Udacity, AWS Educate members can master valuable machine learning skills and use their AWS Promotional Credits to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge AWS Machine Learning technologies like Amazon SageMaker.

How DigitalGlobe Uses Amazon SageMaker to Manage Machine Learning at Scale

If you have ever searched for directions, called an Uber, or looked up a trailhead, you have used DigitalGlobe’s imagery or information derived from it. DigitalGlobe went all-in on AWS to meet the growing demand for commercial geo-intelligence, migrating its entire 18-year imagery archive to the cloud. The company used AWS Snowmobile to move 100 petabytes of data to the cloud, allowing it to move away from large file-transfer protocols and delivery workflows.

Listen to Citizen and Student Sentiment with Machine Learning

Twitter has hundreds of millions of active users each month and supports multiple languages on their platform. These users engage with nonprofits, need citizen services, and learn at schools, universities, and other educational institutions. As a consequence, public sector organizations look to social media not only to communicate with the public, but also to gain insights about the citizens, volunteers, and students they serve. Wouldn’t it be great to know if people had positive or negative opinions about your city, school, nonprofit, or organization? What are they talking about and how many other people share that view?

Artificial Intelligence for Startups

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere in our day-to-day lives – whether it’s ordering household products, searching the Internet, playing music, providing weather forecasts, or many other tasks. Entrepreneurs all over the world are also embracing solutions AI can offer by improving efficiency and making their products more user-friendly and accessible to consumers. At Amazon, we’ve […]

The Boss: A Petascale Database for Large-Scale Neuroscience Powered by Serverless Technologies

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks (MICrONS) program seeks to revolutionize machine learning by better understanding the representations, transformations, and learning rules employed by the brain. We spoke with Dean Kleissas, Research Engineer working on the IARPA MICrONS Project at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), and […]

What do Birds and Social Media Have in Common? AWS Machine Learning Support

Machine learning enables computers to make predictions from data without having been explicitly programmed to do so. Developers and researchers use AWS to develop and refine custom machine learning algorithms to help solve complex problems like classifying images and text. In this post, we profile two academic researchers who used the AWS Cloud Credits for […]

Amazon Web Services and the National Science Foundation Spur Innovation in Big Data Research

The AWS Research Initiative (ARI) brings Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) together to spur innovation in Big Data research. Under the program on Critical Techniques, Technologies and Methodologies for Advancing Foundations and Applications of Big Data Sciences and Engineering (BIGDATA) a total of $26.5 million will be funded by NSF […]