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Category: Open Source

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New Release: Open Distro for Elasticsearch version 0.8.0

中文版 – Open Distro for Elasticsearch 0.8.0 is now available for you to download and run. Release highlights include support for Elasticsearch 6.6.2, Kibana 6.6.2 and various minor enhancements and bug fixes for the plugins. The alerting plugin has been updated to the latest Kotlin version 1.3. The SQL plugin index pattern queries have been fixed […]

gnomon at Jantr Mantr, Jaipur.

Open Source News Roundup: April 8, 2019

中文版 Databases New MySQL / PostgreSQL version support on RDS – Amazon RDS now supports MySQL Community Edition minor versions 5.7.25 and 5.7.24, and MariaDB minor version 10.2.21 in all AWS regions, and Amazon RDS now supports PostgreSQL major version 11. Open Source Contributions Amazon ElastiCache contributed a new feature to the redis performance benchmark, […]

Monitor Triggered.

Use Open Distro for Elasticsearch to Alert on Security Events

Open Distro for Elasticsearch’s Security plugin ships with the capability to create an audit log to track access to your cluster. You can surface various types of audit events like authentications, and failed logins. In a prior post, we covered the basics of setting an alert in Open Distro for Elasticsearch. In this post, we […]

Set an Alert in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – One of Elasticsearch’s primary use cases is log analytics: you collect logs from your infrastructure, transform each log line into JSON documents, and send those documents to Elasticsearch’s _bulk API. A transformed log line contains many fields, each containing values. For instance, an Apache Web Log line has a source IP address field, […]

Using the FSx for Lustre CSI Driver with Amazon EKS

中文版 – The Container Storage Interface (CSI) is a standard for exposing storage on top of container orchestrators such as Mesos or Kubernetes. CSI gives storage providers like AWS the opportunity to create a thin wrapper which will allow a Kubernetes cluster to automatically provision and manage the entire lifecycle of the storage class. Storage […]

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Add your own SSL certificates to Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – Open Distro for Elasticsearch’s security plugin comes with authentication and access control out of the box. To make it easy to get started, the binary distributions contain passwords and SSL certificates that let you try out the plugin. Before adding any of your private data, you need to change the default passwords and certificates. […]

knative + TriggerMesh + EKS logos.

Deploying AWS Lambda-Compatible Functions in Amazon EKS using TriggerMesh KLR

中文版 – Custom AWS Lambda Runtimes were introduced at re:Invent 2018. Knative is an open source project to build, deploy, and manage serverless workloads. This post by Sebastien Goasguen explains that TriggerMesh’s Knative Lambda Runtime is a custom runtime that can run a Lambda function on Knative running on an Amazon EKS cluster. –Arun AWS […]

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Build and Run the Open Distro For Elasticsearch SQL Plugin with Elasticsearch OSS

Note: These tutorial instructions are not current and will not be updated. OpenSearch was announced on April 12, 2021. Visit to learn more. Open Distro for Elasticsearch comprises four plugins: Security — supports node-to-node encryption, five types of authentication, role-based access controls, audit logging, and cross-cluster search. Alerting — notifies you when data from […]