Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Technical How-to

Set up end-to-end tracing with Amazon CloudFront using OpenTelemetry

In a modern distributed system, identifying where a problem has occurred is not a trivial task. In fact, it’s a key capability that an organization must master to maintain its competitiveness. Tracing is a great methodology to be used for this purpose. It creates a series of formatted logs with an identifier called Trace ID, which […]

Removing Unassociated Elastic IPs

Have you ever wondered why your Elastic IP (EIP) count is growing, and what’s behind the “ElasticIP:IdleAddress” line item on your AWS bill? This could be because there is an hourly charge for EIP addresses that are not associated with a running instance, when an EIP is associated with a stopped instance, or when there […]

Using AWS WAF intelligent threat mitigations with cross-origin API access

AWS WAF offers advanced features for filtering undesired web application traffic, such as Bot Control and Fraud Control. These intelligent threat mitigations include techniques such as client-side interrogations using JavaScript challenges or CAPTCHA, as well as client-side behavioral analysis. Implementing these techniques on a web page with a same-origin access is simple. When a cross-domain […]

Segmenting hybrid networks with AWS Transit Gateway connect

Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) is a traditional network feature which uses isolated logical routing domains (route tables/VRFs) to keep network traffic separated within the same physical infrastructure. Customers ask us how to combine the segmentation provided by AWS Cloud WAN and AWS Transit Gateway with VRF isolation when connecting their on-premises networks to AWS. […]

Mitigate Common Web Threats with One Click in Amazon CloudFront

You can now add AWS WAF protections to Amazon CloudFront distributions with one click. In this walkthrough, we will guide you through setting up and monitoring protections offered by this new feature along with pricing and additional security recommendations. This blog relates to Amazon CloudFront — a AWS service that you can use to deliver […]

Scaling NLB target groups by connections

When workload performance depends on the number of networking connections, traditional load balancing metrics like CPU load or memory utilization do not provide the information you need in order to make scaling decisions. In this post, we explore a solution that automatically scales backend connections of a Network Load Balancer (NLB) target group based on […]

Achieving Zero-downtime deployments with Amazon CloudFront using blue/green continuous deployments

Blue/green deployment is a widely used deployment technique in software development aimed at minimizing downtime and risks associated with introducing new code. The strategy involves concurrently running two identical environments, namely blue and green, and directing traffic between them as necessary. This allows you to have uninterrupted delivery of new features and updates, with no […]

Host Single Page Applications (SPA) with Tiered TTLs on CloudFront and S3

Many of our customers use Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to deploy Single Page Applications (SPA): web applications created with React, Angular, Vue, etc. The development teams of these SPAs often have the following, seemingly conflicting, requirements: Users should experience as little latency as possible in downloading the web application. Therefore, […]

Attach multiple IPs to a NAT Gateway to scale your egress traffic pattern

AWS NAT Gateway is a highly available and horizontally scalable Network Address Translation (NAT) service. AWS NAT Gateway allows resources in a private subnet to connect to target resources outside the subnet using the NAT Gateway’s IP address. These target resources can either be in the same VPC, a different VPC, on the internet, or […]

Best practices and considerations to migrate from VPC Peering to AWS Transit Gateway

This post presents recommendations and best practices when migrating your existing VPCs from Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Peering to AWS Transit Gateway. It includes a migration walkthrough and considerations that you can address to improve your odds of a seamless migration. This post also details common networking testing and bench-marking tools such as iPerf […]