The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Announcing end-of-life for AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Hub, effective October 18th, 2025

AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Hub was launched in 2020 to provide customers with a web application for managing their fleet of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Over the years, it has helped many businesses streamline their IoT fleet operations, improve efficiency, and enhance device security. However, as technology and customer needs continue to evolve, we have made a decision to discontinue the feature. We are announcing this change to provide customers with ample time to plan and transition.

We understand that this change may impact your business operations; therefore, we are committed in ensuring a smooth transition. To that end, we have prepared the following information that can guide you through the transition process.

When is AWS IoT Device Management’s Fleet Hub feature going end-of-life (EoL)?

AWS will discontinue the AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Hub feature on October 18th, 2025. AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Hub will transition into its EoL in a phased manner. The functionalities made available from Fleet Hub are also available within the AWS IoT Device Management console that you can continue to use for supporting your business needs.

  • On October 17th, 2024: AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Hub’s End-of-Life (EoL) notice was announced. Effective this date, AWS will stop onboarding new customers to Fleet Hub. Existing AWS customer accounts will continue to have access to their Fleet Hub applications.
  • October 17th 2024 to October 17th 2025: Existing AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Hub customers can continue to use Fleet Hub during this period. While there will be no new feature updates to Fleet Hub, AWS will support critical bug fixes.
  • On October 18th, 2025: AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Hub will be permanently decommissioned and reach EoL. All Fleet Hub applications will be deleted and customers will no longer be able to use Fleet Hub. Underlying AWS resources that were created from Fleet Hub won’t be deleted, so you can continue to access them in the console.

What happens to my Fleet Hub applications and underlying AWS resources after the end-of-life (EoL) date?

On the EoL date of October 18th, 2025, your Fleet Hub applications will be deleted and you will no longer be able to access Fleet Hub. Any underlying AWS resources created from Fleet Hub will not be automatically deleted. These resources include AWS IoT Device Management job executions and Fleet Hub alarm components, such as AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Indexing’s fleet metrics, Amazon CloudWatch alarms, and Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications. In addition, any AWS IAM Identity Center resources, such as organizations or single sign-on (SSO) users will also continue to exist. You can continue to access these resources independently from the AWS IoT console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or AWS SDK for your monitoring needs.

This announcement does not impact any other AWS IoT Device Management capabilities.

What are Fleet Hub’s existing functionalities and how do I access these in console?

Fleet Hub offers the following key monitoring and management capabilities built using AWS IoT Device Management features. These capabilities are also available outside the Fleet Hub application and directly within the AWS IoT Device Management console that you can continue to access for supporting your IoT solutions.

  • Fleet connectivity state summary – The Fleet Hub dashboard provides a summary of the state of connectivity of your IoT fleet, showing the number of connected, disconnected devices and the distribution of disconnected devices by disconnect reason. An equivalent unified connectivity status monitoring dashboard is now available to you within the console under the monitor tab, where you can enable widgets to monitor number of connected devices, rate of disconnections, and disconnect reasons.
  • Fleet Hub alarms – Fleet Hub alarms allow you to create and monitor threshold-based alarms. Fleet Hub alarms leverage fleet metrics offered under AWS IoT Device Management Fleet Indexing and Amazon Cloud Watch alarms. These fleet metrics can also be monitored directly within Amazon CloudWatch and reconfigured from the AWS IoT console. Fleet Hub creates fleet metrics and CloudWatch alarms with a name starting with prefix ‘iotfleethub’ and those resources will continue to be accessible from the console. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor these metrics over time and view trends. You can also create additional fleet metrics from the AWS IoT console and subsequently create alarms in CloudWatch as described in the documentation.
  • Device search – Fleet Hub allows you to apply multiple filters using user defined criteria from indexed data sources to refine your device search. This feature uses Fleet Indexing search functionality and is available to use directly through the AWS IoT console, from the All devices → Things→ Advanced search tab.
  • AWS IoT Jobs execution – You can currently implement AWS IoT Jobs directly from Fleet Hub by selecting a thing or group as a target. You can continue to implement AWS IoT Jobs from the remote actions tab in the AWS IoT console, and define a thing or a group (static or dynamic) as a target or directly select a static or dynamic group target for a job execution.
  • Device detail view – Fleet Hub provides a device (Thing) level detailed view from the device listing page. A similar device level detailed view is available directly from the All devices → Things tab within the AWS IoT console or by clicking on a specific thing returned via fleet indexing search query results.

How do I delete my Fleet Hub applications? How do I delete the underlying AWS resources created by Fleet Hub?

Fleet Hub allows customers to create AWS resources, such as IoT Device Management jobs and Fleet Hub alarms. These resources are also available directly within the AWS IoT Device Management and Amazon CloudWatch console, which you can continue to access for supporting your business needs.

You can use the AWS IoT console or the DeleteApplication API to delete your Fleet Hub applications. Deleting the Fleet Hub applications will not automatically delete any underlying resources. If you don’t plan to use Fleet Hub, you can use the steps below to delete the underlying resources.

  • Jobs – To delete a job, you must cancel the job first. You can cancel Jobs directly from Fleet Hub or follow the steps below from the AWS Console.
    • Go to the Remote Actions -Jobs tab within AWS IoT console
    • Select and cancel the desired job executions
    • On the same Jobs tab, choose the job you want to delete and click delete.
  • Fleet Hub alarms – You can delete Fleet Hub alarms directly from within Fleet Hub application – this will automatically delete all the underlying components of Fleet metrics, CloudWatch Alarms, and Amazon SNS notifications. Navigate to the alarms tab, within Fleet Hub application, select all the alarms and click delete. Alternatively follow the steps below from the AWS Console to delete the underlying components. The following approach is preferable if you have multiple applications across regions.
    • Fleet metrics
      • Go to the fleet metrics tab within AWS IoT Device Management console
      • Select all the fleet metrics that have name starting with prefix ‘iotfleethub’
      • Click delete after selecting all relevant fleet metrics
    • CloudWatch alarms
      • Go to ‘All alarms’ tab within AWS CloudWatch console
      • Select all alarms that have name starting with prefix ‘iotfleethub’
      • Go to Actions and click delete
    • Amazon Simple Notification Service topics receiving alarms
      • Go to the ‘ Topics’ tab within Amazon SNS console
      • Select all the topics that have name starting with prefix ‘iotfleethub’ and click delete
  • Fleet Hub SSO users – Fleet Hub application users are assigned by customers from their SSO (i.e., IAM Identity Center) user pool. If your SSO users were created solely to access Fleet Hub applications and are unused anywhere else, you can delete them from the users and applications tabs in IAM Identity Center within the AWS Console.


If you need assistance or have feedback, reach out to your usual AWS support contacts or AWS account team. We appreciate your understanding and support as we focus our efforts on delivering high-impact IoT capabilities for our customers.