AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

IT and ESG Part Two: How IT Can and Must Further the Company’s ESG Efforts

In my previous post I explained why environmental, social, and corporate governance (or ESG) has become such an important concern for enterprises; why it is a strategic consideration; why it rises to the level of the board of directors’ attention; and how it differs from corporate social responsibility (CSR) in that it requires the company’s […]

IT and Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG), Part One: A CEO and Board Concern

Environmental and social governance, or ESG, is a growing concern for business leaders—and for government regulators, investors, and standards bodies. Recent events have only increased the business world’s focus on ESG: worker wellness has become a major concern during the COVID-19 pandemic; social justice protests have drawn attention to gaps in diversity, equity, and inclusion; […]

Buy vs. Build Revisited, Part 4: You Might Be Asking the Wrong Question

This mini-series of blog posts has highlighted the nuances of one of the most common and seemingly straightforward IT decisions: whether to build or buy a piece of software. We learned that common notions of cost and lock-in can be misplaced (Part 1), that differentiators are by no means static and can be found in […]

Outsourcing in the Age of Agile: Call to Action

Tom Godden and Phil Le-Brun Where does passion and innovation come from in your organization? From the top? From a particular department or individual? From a supplier? We would hazard a guess that it’s probably not the latter—so why do many companies’ investments imply otherwise? We believe there is an opportunity to reassess how outsourcing […]

Why you Should Adopt Agile Cloud Transformation

While technology executives generally understand and accept that agile software development methods are effective, some may still be reluctant to approach their cloud transformations in an agile manner. They believe that a cloud transformation is too big and complex for Agile to work. In this blog post, Dr. Saša Baškarada, a senior cloud transformation advisor […]

Running a Security Organization in Times of Uncertainty and Change

As part of Verified: Presented by AWS Security, a new video series of discussions with security leaders, Amazon Web Services CISO Steve Schmidt sat down with Noopur Davis, EVP and Chief Product and Information Security Officer at Comcast, to discuss what it’s like to run a large security organization during challenging times. You can watch […]

The CIO-CFO Conversation: What to Include in the IT Snapshot

As I said in my last post, the way we’ve looked at IT investments and budgets has been missing some crucial context. It’s the current state of IT, the “balance sheet,” so to speak, that determines what spending and investments are necessary when considered alongside the company’s strategic imperatives. A conversation between the CIO and […]