AWS DevOps & Developer Productivity Blog

Tag: Monitoring

Exploring Telemetry Events in Amazon Q Developer

As organizations increasingly adopt Amazon Q Developer, understanding how developers use it is essential. Diving into specific telemetry events and user-level data clarifies how users interact with Amazon Q Developer, offering insights into feature usage and developer behaviors. This granular view, accessible through logs, is vital for identifying trends, optimizing performance, and enhancing the overall […]

Creating a User Activity Dashboard for Amazon CodeWhisperer

Maximizing the value from Enterprise Software tools requires an understanding of who and how users interact with those tools. As we have worked with builders rolling out Amazon CodeWhisperer to their enterprises, identifying usage patterns has been critical. This blog post is a result of that work, builds on Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer Dashboard blog and […]

Integrating DevOps Guru Insights with CloudWatch Dashboard

Many customers use Amazon CloudWatch dashboards to monitor applications and often ask how they can integrate Amazon DevOps Guru Insights in order to have a unified dashboard for monitoring.  This blog post showcases integrating DevOps Guru proactive and reactive insights to a CloudWatch dashboard by using Custom Widgets. It can help you to correlate trends […]

Monitoring Amazon DevOps Guru insights using Amazon Managed Grafana

As organizations operate day-to-day, having insights into their cloud infrastructure state can be crucial for the durability and availability of their systems. Industry research estimates[1] that downtime costs small businesses around $427 per minute of downtime, and medium to large businesses an average of $9,000 per minute of downtime. Amazon DevOps Guru customers want to […]

Architecture diagram showing an overview of how CI/CD metrics are extracted and transformed to create a dynamic QuickSight dashboard

Monitoring and management with Amazon QuickSight and Athena in your CI/CD pipeline

One of the many ways to monitor and manage required CI/CD metrics is to use Amazon QuickSight to build customized visualizations. Additionally, by applying Lean management to software delivery processes, organizations can improve delivery of features faster, pivot when needed, respond to compliance and security changes, and take advantage of instant feedback to improve the […]

DevOps at re:Invent 2019!

re:Invent 2019 is fast approaching and we here at the AWS DevOps blog wanted to take a moment to highlight DevOps focused presentations, share some tips from experienced re:Invent pro’s, and highlight a few sessions that still have availability for pre-registration. We’ve broken down the track into one overarching leadership session and four topic areas: […]

Debugging with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics and AWS X-Ray

Today, AWS X-Ray launches support for Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics, enabling developers to trace end-to-end requests from configurable scripts called “canaries”.  These canaries run the test script to monitor web endpoints and APIs using modular, light-weight tests that run 24×7, once per minute. It continuously captures the behavior and availability of the endpoint or URL being […]

New – How to better monitor your custom application metrics using Amazon CloudWatch Agent

This blog was contributed by Zhou Fang, Sr. Software Development Engineer for Amazon CloudWatch and Helen Lin, Sr. Product Manager for Amazon CloudWatch Amazon CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data from both your AWS resources and on-premises servers, providing you with a unified view of your infrastructure and application health.

Building an Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard Outside of the AWS Management Console

Steve McCurry is a Senior Product Manager for CloudWatch This is the second in a series of two blog posts that demonstrate how to use the new CloudWatch snapshot graphs feature. You can find the first post here. A key challenge for any DevOps team is to provide sufficient monitoring visibility on service health. Although […]