AWS DevOps & Developer Productivity Blog

Tag: CloudWatch

New – How to better monitor your custom application metrics using Amazon CloudWatch Agent

This blog was contributed by Zhou Fang, Sr. Software Development Engineer for Amazon CloudWatch and Helen Lin, Sr. Product Manager for Amazon CloudWatch Amazon CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data from both your AWS resources and on-premises servers, providing you with a unified view of your infrastructure and application health.

Building an Amazon CloudWatch Dashboard Outside of the AWS Management Console

Steve McCurry is a Senior Product Manager for CloudWatch This is the second in a series of two blog posts that demonstrate how to use the new CloudWatch snapshot graphs feature. You can find the first post here. A key challenge for any DevOps team is to provide sufficient monitoring visibility on service health. Although […]

View AWS CodeDeploy logs in Amazon CloudWatch console

AWS CodeDeploy helps users deploy software to a fleet of Amazon EC2 or on-premises instances. The AWS CodeDeploy agent must be installed and configured on those instances in order for them to be used in a deployment. The agent generates three log files: Agent log – Contains information about the agent’s health and overall deployment […]

View CloudFormation Logs in the Console

Background AWS CloudFormation simplifies provisioning and management on AWS. You can templatize the service and application architectures you want, and have CloudFormation use the templates for quick and reliable provisioning of the services or applications as ‘stacks’. You can also easily update or replicate the stacks as needed. Inside the CloudFormation templates, you can configure the […]