AWS DevOps & Developer Productivity Blog

Notifying 3rd Party Services of CodeBuild State Changes

It is often useful to notify other systems of the build status of a code change, such as by creating release tickets in your project-tracking software when a build succeeds, or posting a message to your team’s chat solution. A previous blog post showed you how to integrate AWS Lambda and Amazon SNS to extend AWS CodeCommit to send email notifications for file changes. This blog post shows you how to integrate AWS Lambda, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon CloudWatch Events to extend AWS CodeBuild by adding webhook functionality, allowing you to make authenticated API calls to 3rd-party services in response to CodeBuild state changes. It also provides an example of how to use this solution to create an issue in JIRA, a popular issue and project-tracking software solution, in response to a CodeBuild build status change.

Some of the services used include:

  • Amazon DynamoDB: a fully-managed key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. This solution uses it as a registry for webhook receivers, and takes advantage of its on-demand capacity mode so that you only pay for the resources you consume.
  • AWS Lambda: a popular serverless service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. This solution uses a Lambda function to query DynamoDB for a list of webhook receivers and to notify those receivers of CodeBuild build status changes.
  • Amazon CloudWatch Events: Amazon CloudWatch Events delivers a near real-time stream of system events which allow you to detect changes to your AWS resources and to set up rules to respond to those changes (for example, by invoking a Lambda function in response to build notifications).
  • AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store: a secure, hierarchical storage solution which can be used to store items such as configuration data, passwords, database strings, and license codes. This solution uses SSM Parameter Store to store the HTTP endpoints for 3rd party providers and custom headers, rather than storing them in plaintext in DynamoDB.

To help you quickly deploy the solution, I have made it available as an AWS CloudFormation template. AWS CloudFormation is a management tool that provides a common language to describe and provision all of the infrastructure resources in AWS.


The following diagram shows how this solution uses AWS services to invoke 3rd-party services in response to CodeBuild state changes.

An overview of the workflow for this solution, showing CodeBuild publishing to CloudWatch Events which invokes the Lambda to notify the 3rd party service.

CodeBuild publishes several useful CloudWatch events, which can notify you of build state changes and build phase transitions. By setting up a CloudWatch event rule, you can detect when a CodeBuild job enters a specific state. In this solution, I create a CloudWatch event rule which captures CodeBuild state changes for all AWS CodeBuild projects in an account, then invokes a Lambda function to handle these change notifications. When this Lambda function is triggered, the following steps are executed:

  1. Query the CodeBuildWebhooks DynamoDB table to find any registered webhook receivers for the CodeBuild project which triggered the event rule.
  2. For each registered receiver:
    1. Obtain the HTTP endpoint and any custom headers from SSM Parameter Store. Some headers/endpoints may be considered sensitive, so the solution stores them in SSM Parameter Store as SecureStrings where needed. The DynamoDB records reference the relevant SSM Parameter by name. The parameter names must all be prefixed with /webhooks/ in order for the webhook Lambda function to access them.
    2. After obtaining the URL for the webhook receiver from SSM Parameter Store, the Lambda function checks if the record from DynamoDB contains a custom HTTP body template. If so, it loads this template, substituting any placeholder values. If no custom template is found, a default template is used.
    3. Finally, the HTTP request is sent with the processed body template.

I use Python and Boto 3 to implement this function. The full source code is published on GitHub. You can find it in the aws-codebuild-webhooks repository.

Getting started

The following sections describe the steps to deploy and use the solution.

Deploying the Solution

There is an AWS CloudFormation template, template.yaml, in the source code which uses the AWS Serverless Application Model to define required components of this solution. For convenience, I have made it available as a one-click launch template:

When launching the stack, the default behavior is to expect SSM parameters to be encrypted using the AWS KMS AWS managed CMK for SSM. However, you can input a different Key ID as the value for the SSMKeyId parameter if required. The above launch stack button deploys the solution in us-east-1, however links for other regions are available on the solution GitHub page.

The template deploys:

  • A Lambda function and associated IAM role for sending HTTP requests
  • A DynamoDB table for registering webhook receivers
  • A CloudWatch event rule for triggering the Lambda function in response to CodeBuild events

The Lambda function code demonstrates how to make authenticated HTTP requests to 3rd party services. You can extend the sample code to add in additional features such as deployment of the Lambda function in a VPC to access private resources like an on-premises Jira.

Example: Creating a Ticket in Jira

To demonstrate the solution, I set up a webhook to create a bug ticket in Jira whenever a build fails. In order to follow this example, you need to install and configure the AWS CLI.

First off, I store the Jira URL securely in the SSM parameter store:

aws ssm put-parameter --cli-input-json '{
  "Name": "/webhooks/jira-issues-webhook-url",
  "Value": "https://<my-jira-server>/rest/api/latest/issue/",
  "Type": "String",
  "Description": "Jira issues Rest API URL"

For this sample, I use basic authentication with the JIRA Rest API. After following Jira’s instructions to generate a BASE64-encoded authorization string, I store the headers as a JSON string in SSM:

aws ssm put-parameter --cli-input-json '{
  "Name": "/webhooks/jira-basic-auth-headers",
  "Value": "{\"Authorization\": \"Basic <base64 encoded useremail:api_token>\"}",
  "Type": "SecureString",
  "Description": "Jira basic auth headers for CodeBuild webhooks"

For more authentication options, consult the Jira docs.

Now I need to register the webhook receiver in my CodeBuildWebhooks DynamoDB table. In order to make requests to the JIRA REST API, my Lambda function must supply a JSON string containing a payload accepted by the Jira API for creating issues. To do this, I save the following JSON as item.json in my current working directory:

  "project": {"S": "MyCodeBuildProject"},
  "hook_url_param_name": {"S": "/webhooks/jira-issues-webhook-url"},
  "hook_headers_param_name": {"S": "/webhooks/jira-basic-auth-headers"},
  "statuses": {"L": [{"S": "FAILED"}]},
  "template": {"S": "{\"fields\": {\"project\":{\"id\": \"10000\"},\"summary\": \"$PROJECT build failing\",\"description\": \"AWS CodeBuild project $PROJECT latest build $STATUS\",\"issuetype\":{\"id\": \"10004\"}}}"}

In the template, my project ID is 10000 and the bug issue type is 10004. You can obtain this information from your JIRA instance by invoking the “createmeta” API.

Finally, I register the webhook receiver in my CodeBuildWebhooks DynamoDB table, referencing the JSON file I just created:

aws dynamodb put-item --table-name CodeBuildWebhooks --item file://item.json

That’s it! The next time my CodeBuild project fails, an issue is created in JIRA for someone to action, as shown in the following screenshot:

A Jira Kanban board showing the newly created issue for the failing CodeBuild project

You could extend this example to populate other fields Jira such as Labels, Components, or Assignee.


To remove the resources created as part of this blog post, first delete the stack:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name aws-codebuild-webhooks

Then delete the parameters from SSM Parameter Store:

aws ssm delete-parameters --names /webhooks/jira-issues-webhook-url /webhooks/jira-basic-auth-headers


In this blog post, I showed you how to use an AWS CloudFormation template to quickly build a sample solution that can help you integrate AWS CodeBuild with other 3rd party tools via AWS Lambda.

The CloudFormation template used in this post and Lambda function can be found in the aws-codebuild-webhooks GitHub repository, along with other examples.

If you have questions or other feedback about this example, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

About the Author

Nick Lee is part of the AWS Solution Builders team in the UK. Nick works with the AWS Solution Architecture community to create standardized tools, code samples, demonstrations and quick starts.