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Instant Well-Architected CDK Resources with Solutions Constructs Factories

For several years, AWS Solutions Constructs have helped thousands of AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) users accelerate their creation of well-architected workloads by providing small, composable patterns linking two or more AWS services, such as an Amazon S3 bucket triggering an AWS Lambda function. Over this time, customers with use cases that don’t match an existing Solutions Construct have expressed a desire to create individual well-architected resources directly. Solutions Constructs Factories allow clients to create well-architected individual resources using the same internal code that Solutions Constructs use when composing larger patterns. While deploying a single AWS resource using the AWS CDK is often a trivial task, deploying that resource following all the best practices requires more knowledge and effort. For instance, a properly configured S3 bucket should include versioning, encryption, access logging, bucket policies allowing only TLS calls, and lifecycle policies. The AWS Solutions Constructs S3BucketFactory()method implements a fully well-architected CDK S3 bucket with all the best practices configured, including an additional bucket to hold S3 Access Logs. At the same time, every aspect of each resource can be overridden to satisfy any unique requirements for your use case. Best of all, the resources created are all standard CDK L2 constructs that integrate with any CDK stack.

Solutions Constructs Factories are a new feature of AWS Solutions Constructs, a library of common architectural patterns built on top of the AWS CDK. These multi-service patterns allow you to deploy multiple resources with a single CDK Construct. Solutions Constructs follow best practices by default – both for the configuration of the individual resources as well as their interaction. While each Solutions Construct implements a very small architectural pattern, they are designed so that multiple constructs can be combined by sharing a common resource. For instance, a Solutions Construct that implements an S3 bucket invoking a Lambda function can be deployed along with a second Solutions Construct that deploys a Lambda function that writes to an Amazon SQS queue by sharing the same Lambda function between the two constructs. There are currently over 70 Solutions Constructs available, covering Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon SNS, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), AWS Lambda, AWS Secrets Manager, IoT, Amazon ElasticCache, AWS Step Functions, AWS Fargate, AWS WAF, Application Load Balancers, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Data Firehose, Amazon Sagemaker, AWS Elemental Mediastore, and more.

The AWS CDK provides a programming model above the static AWS CloudFormation template, representing all AWS resources with instantiated objects in a high-level programming language. When you instantiate CDK objects in your Typescript (or other language) code, the CDK “compiles” those objects into a JSON template, then deploys that template with CloudFormation. The use of programming languages such as Typescript or Python rather than the declarative YAML or JSON allows much more flexibility in defining your infrastructure. If you are not yet familiar with the AWS CDK you should check it out.

Visual representation of how AWS Solutions Constructs build abstractions upon the AWS CDK, which is then compiled into static CloudFormation templates. Solutions Constructs Factories are a feature found within AWS Solutions Constructs

Infrastructure as Code Abstraction Layers

How Constructs Factories Work

This demo will guide you through building a small CDK stack that uses one of the new Solutions Constructs Factories. The app will use a factory to create an S3 bucket that fully implements all the recommended best practices with a single function call.

First, create a Typescript CDK app and install the Solutions Constructs libraries:

mkdir factories-blog
cd factories-blog
cdk init -l=typescript
npm install @aws-solutions-constructs/aws-constructs-factories

Next, open lib/factories-blog-stack.ts, delete the comments and add the indicated new lines of code:

import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
// Add this import statement:
import { ConstructsFactories } from '@aws-solutions-constructs/aws-constructs-factories';

export class FactoriesBlogStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);

    // Add these two lines
    const factories = new ConstructsFactories(this, 'constructs-factories');
    const response = factories.s3BucketFactory('default-bucket', {});

Now build and deploy the app:

npm run build
cdk deploy

A key consideration for Constructs Factories is that the resources they create integrate seamlessly with the rest of your CDK stack. That’s why factories are implemented as methods that return standard AWS CDK L2 constructs rather than L3 constructs. Instantiating the ConstructsFactories object gives you access to the factory methods, but on its own adds nothing to your stack. In this case you called s3BucketFactory(), passing two arguments: a string id upon which all resource names will be based, and an empty S3BucketFactoryProps object. The method added 4 resources to your CDK stack. You can explore everything this app just deployed either in the console or through the synthesized template in ./cdk.out. Here’s a synopsis of what you’ll find:

  • An S3 bucket for storage (the goal of the call), with the following configuration:
    • AES-256 server side encryption
    • All public ACLs and policies blocked
    • Versioning enabled
    • A bucket policy blocking all access not via aws:SecureTransport (TSL)
    • Access logging enabled to a separate bucket
    • A lifecycle rule transitioning non-current versions to Glacier after 90 days
  • A second S3 bucket to contain the access logs, with a similar configuration:
    • AES-256 server side encryption
    • All public ACLs and policies blocked
    • Versioning enabled
    • A bucket policy blocking all access not via aws:SecureTransport (TSL)

A single call has deployed two resources with all best practices configured by default! As most workloads have some unique requirements, all of these resources can be customized to integrate into the overall stack. Diving a little deeper, recall the empty S3BucketFactoryProps object you passed to the factory call. The S3BucketFactoryProps argument allows you to send any properties to override the default settings for the main bucket and the logging bucket. For instance, if you need the bucket to send notifications to EventBridge you can enable that through the properties:

const response = factories.s3BucketFactory('customized-bucket', {
  bucketProps: {

Second, the factory call returned an S3FactoryResponse object, which exposes standard CDK L2 Bucket constructs for both the main and logging buckets (you can also access the new BucketPolicies through these Bucket constructs).

const arn = response.s3Bucket.bucketArn;

Available Factories

The first release of Solutions Constructs Factories focuses on services where configuring a resource according to best practices requires the launch of additional resources, or other additional complexity. We currently support 3 different resources:

S3 Buckets

The s3BucketFactory() function will create an S3 bucket with:

  • TLS access required
  • Access logging enabled (to an additional log bucket by default)
  • Versioning enabled
  • All public ACLs and policies blocked
  • AWS managed server side encryption
  • Lifecycle policies that transition non-current versions to S3 Glacier after 90 days

Step Functions State Machines

The stateMachineFactory() function will create a Step Functions state machine with:

  • CloudWatch logs names prefixed with /aws/vendedlogs/ and unique to your stack, avoiding any issues with resource policy size without risk of name collisions in your account.
  • CloudWatch alarms for:
    • 1 or more failed executions
    • 1 or more throttled executions
    • 1 or more aborted executions

SQS Queues

The sqsQueueFactory() function will create an SQS queue with:

  • KMS managed encryption
  • A DLQ configured to accept messages that can’t be processed
  • A resource policy ensuring that only the queue owner can perform operations on the queue


A single call to an AWS Solutions Constructs Factory deploys a resource with all best practice settings, as well as any additional infrastructure required to make the resource part of a well-architected application. Since the factories return standard AWS CDK L2 constructs, you can use them in any new or existing CDK stack. The first Solutions Constructs Factories were launched earlier this year and more will be added soon. If you have factories you’d like to see implemented, enter an Issue on the Solutions Constructs github page. The next time you launch any of these three resources in a stack, try using a Constructs factory – you may never directly instantiate a CDK construct again.