AWS Developer Tools Blog

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.2

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.2 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and Chef 11 to the AWS OpsWorks client, adds the latest snapshot permission features to the Amazon Redshift client, and updates the Amazon EC2 and AWS Security Token Service clients.


  • Added support for cross-account snapshot access control to the Amazon Redshift client
  • Added support for decoding authorization messages to the AWS STS client
  • Added support for checking for required permissions via the DryRun parameter to the Amazon EC2 client
  • Added support for custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and Chef 11 to the AWS OpsWorks client
  • Added an SDK compatibility test to allow users to quickly determine if their system meets the requirements of the SDK
  • Updated the Amazon EC2 client to use the 2013-06-15 API version
  • Fixed an unmarshalling error with the Amazon EC2 CreateKeyPair operation
  • Fixed an unmarshalling error with the Amazon S3 ListMultipartUploads operation
  • Fixed an issue with the Amazon S3 stream wrapper “x” fopen mode
  • Fixed an issue with AwsS3S3Client::downloadBucket by removing leading slashes from the passed $keyPrefix argument

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