Tag: Amazon EKS
Cloud Native CI/CD with Tekton and ArgoCD on AWS
Introduction With the ongoing popularity and adoption of container orchestrators such as Kubernetes, more and more cloud-native applications are built on top of it. Besides business applications, companies are migrating their infrastructure-related components such as CI/CD systems as well. But are those systems ready for such modern platforms? The answer depends. Clearly, most of the […]
GitOps model for provisioning and bootstrapping Amazon EKS clusters using Crossplane and Flux
In an earlier blog (Part 1 of the series), I discussed the adoption of the GitOps model as an efficient strategy for provisioning cloud provider-specific managed resources, such as, for example, Amazon S3 bucket and Amazon RDS instance, that application workloads depend on. The blog presented the details of implementing a use case where an Amazon […]
Amazon EKS launches IPv6 support
The ongoing growth of the internet, particularly in the fields of mobile applications, IoT, and application modernization, has led to an industry-wide move to IPv6. With 128 bits of address space, IPv6 can provide 340 undecillion IP addresses, compared to 4.3 billion IPv4 addresses. Over the last several years, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has added […]
Progressive Delivery using AWS App Mesh and Flagger
NOTICE: October 04, 2024 – This post no longer reflects the best guidance for configuring a service mesh with Amazon EKS and its examples no longer work as shown. Please refer to newer content on Amazon VPC Lattice. ——– In this blog, we will cover how to implement progressive delivery using AWS App Mesh and […]
Chaos Engineering with LitmusChaos on Amazon EKS
Introduction Organizations are embracing microservices-based architectures by refactoring large monolith applications into smaller, independent, and loosely coupled services. These independent services are faster to deploy and scale, enabling organizations to innovate and deliver faster. However, as the application grows, these microservices present their own challenges. For example, as you deploy tens or hundreds or thousands […]
Cost savings by customizing metrics sent by Container Insights in Amazon EKS
AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) is an AWS-provided distribution of the OpenTelemetry project. The ADOT Collector receives and exports data from multiple sources and destinations. Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights now supports ADOT for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). This will enable customers to perform advanced configurations, such as customizing metrics […]
Best practices for running Spark on Amazon EKS
Amazon EKS is becoming a popular choice among AWS customers for scheduling Spark applications on Kubernetes. It’s fully managed but still offers full Kubernetes capabilities for consolidating different workloads and getting a flexible scheduling API to optimize resources consumption. But Kubernetes is complex, and not all data engineers are familiar with how to set up […]
Autonomous ML-based detection and identification of root cause for incidents in microservices running on EKS
This blog was co-written with Gavin Cohen, VP of Product at Zebrium. Overview If you’ve never experienced the frustration of hunting for root cause through huge volumes of logs, then you’re one of the few lucky ones! The process typically starts by searching for errors around the time of the problem and then scanning for […]
Secure end-to-end traffic on Amazon EKS using TLS certificate in ACM, ALB, and Istio
I was helping a customer to migrate a Kubernetes workload from an on-premises data center into Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). The customer had an existing investment in Istio and wanted to continue using it as their preferred service mesh in the Amazon EKS environment. However, the customer was struggling to implement end-to-end encryption […]
How to use Application Load Balancer and Amazon Cognito to authenticate users for your Kubernetes web apps
This post describes how to use Amazon Cognito to authenticate users for web apps running in an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS) cluster. Behind any identity management system resides a complex network of systems meant to keep data and services secure. These systems handle functions such as directory services, access management, identity authentication, and […]