AWS Compute Blog

James Beswick

Author: James Beswick

James Beswick leads the Serverless Developer Advocacy team at AWS. He works with AWS's developer customers to understand how serverless technologies can drastically change the way they think about building and running applications at massive scale with minimal administration overhead. Visit for more serverless content.

Reference architecture

Building a serverless multi-player game that scales

This post introduces the Simple Trivia Service, a single- and multi-player game built using a serverless-first architecture on AWS. I cover different solutions that you can use to enable connectivity from your game client to a serverless-first backend for both single- and multi-player games.

AWS Lambda

Operating Lambda: Application design – Part 3

This post discusses choosing and managing runtimes, the effect on performance, and how you can use multiple runtimes within a single serverless application. It explains the networking model and whether a Lambda function must have access to a customer VPC or can run with the default VPC configuration. It also compares the different invocation modes for Lambda functions.