AWS Compute Blog

James Beswick

Author: James Beswick

James Beswick leads the Serverless Developer Advocacy team at AWS. He works with AWS's developer customers to understand how serverless technologies can drastically change the way they think about building and running applications at massive scale with minimal administration overhead. Visit for more serverless content.

Setting up NAT Gateway

Setting up AWS Lambda with an Apache Kafka cluster within a VPC

Using resources such as NAT Gateways and VPC endpoints with PrivateLink, you can ensure that your data remains secure while also granting access to resources such as Lambda to help you create a Kafka consumer application. This post provides some tips to help you set up a Lambda function using Kafka as a trigger. It also explains various options available to send data securely.

Building serverless applications with streaming data: Part 1

In this post, I introduce the Alleycat racing application for processing streaming data. I explain the virtual racing logic and provide an overview of the application architecture. I summarize the deployment process for the different parts of the solution and show how to test the frontend once the deployment is complete.

Service map showing error in trace

Operating Lambda: Isolating and resolving issues

This blog post outlines a general approach to debugging Lambda performance issues and errors. This provides a repeatable process for isolating and resolving problems in your serverless workloads. Using the walkthrough of the Coffee Lookup application, I show how to reproduce a production bug, isolate the cause of errors, and then isolate the performance issue.