
Category: Networking & Content Delivery

Use Cloud Foundations to holistically plan and one-click deploy two network sharing models in multi-account organizations on the cloud丨借助 Cloud Foundations 实现多账户组织云上网络环境两种共享模式的整体规划与一键部署

Cloud Foundations allows you to focus on the network planning and design for a multi-account organization, while entrusting the remaining resource provisioning and configuration work via automation.

Gateway Load Balancer + Firewall 多 AZ 极简设计

很多客户使用 Gateway Load Balancer(简称 GWLB)在亚马逊云科技上部署防火墙功能,为了降低部署成本并保证高可用性,通常采用双 AZ 部署。本文介绍一个 GWLB + Firewall 多 AZ 极简设计解决方案,帮助客户在亚马逊云科技上用最低的成本部署最高冗余级别的防火墙系统,并通过 Demo 来展示它是如何工作的。

借助 Cloud Foundations 规划设计云上多区域网络轴辐拓扑结构一键部署东西南北流量分别或合并检查丨Use Cloud Foundations to plan and design multi-regional hub-spoke network topology on the cloud and one-click deploy east-west south-north traffic inspection separated or combined

Recently, we have optimized our products, increased customization flexibility, and further reduced the major difficulties of the network building to help you efficiently create a secure, stable and scalable cloud network environment.

Network Firewall 部署小指南(三)安装指南

Network Firewall 为您的 VPC 和子网提供了全面的网络流量检查与防护功能。本文将基于出站流量检查分布式部署模型,详细阐述如何通过 AWS Console 完成 NFW 的安装过程。安装和配置完成后,NFW 的安全策略能够对私有子网中的主机进行所有对外 Internet 访问的控制,并将这些访问活动记录在 NFW 日志中。