Category: Migration & Transfer Services
Secure File Transfer with the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP
Introduction Customers running SAP workloads will often exchange data with external sources using protocols such as SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Applicability Statement 2 (AS2). Examples of types of data exchanged include purchase orders, invoices, inventory lists, bank statements and payroll data which typically contain […]
Automating SAP migrations using CloudEndure Migration
Enterprises looking to rehost a large number of SAP systems to AWS can use CloudEndure Migration without worrying about compatibility, performance disruption, or long cutover windows. With CloudEndure Migration, you can also migrate SAP workloads from one AWS account to another.
AWS Transfer for SFTP for SAP file transfer workloads – part 1
In this series of blog posts, learn how to integrate your SAP Process Integration and Orchestration (SAP PI/PO) and SAP Cloud Platform Integration with AWS Transfer for SFTP (AWS SFTP). Also, see how to use the data that AWS SFTP stores in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for post-processing analytics.
FAST SAP Migrations to AWS with the SAP Rapid Migration Test Program
Explains how you can use the SAP Rapid Migration Test program (also known as FAST, which stands for Fast AWS and SAP Transformation) to migrate your on-premises SAP applications (SAP ECC and SAP Business Warehouse) running on a non-HANA database to SAP HANA or SAP ASE on AWS.
Using the SAP Database Migration Option (DMO) to Migrate to AWS
Discusses how you can use the database migration option (DMO), which is a feature of the SAP Software Update Manager (SUM) tool, to migrate your on-premises anyDB database to SAP HANA on AWS.