AWS News Blog

Category: AWS re:Invent

New – AWS Step Functions – Build Distributed Applications Using Visual Workflows

We want to make it even easier for you to build complex, distributed applications by connecting multiple web and microservices. Whether you are implementing a complex business process or setting up a processing pipeline for photo uploads, we want you to focus on the code instead of on the coordination. We want you to be […]

Lambda@Edge – Preview

Just last week, a comment that I made on Hacker News resulted in an interesting email from an AWS customer! He told me that he runs a single page app that is hosted on S3 (read about this in Host Your Static Website on Amazon S3) and served up at low latency through Amazon CloudFront. […]

AWS Batch – Run Batch Computing Jobs on AWS

I entered college in the fall of 1978. The Computer Science department at Montgomery College was built around a powerful (for its time) IBM 370/168 mainframe. I quickly learned how to use the keypunch machine to prepare my card decks, prefacing the actual code with some cryptic Job Control Language (JCL) statements that set the […]