AWS News Blog

Category: AWS re:Invent

Amazon Comprehend – Continuously Trained Natural Language Processing

Many years ago I was wandering through the University of Maryland CS Library and found a dusty old book titled What Computers Can’t Do, adjacent to its successor, What Computers Still Can’t Do. The second book was thicker, which made me realize that Computer Science was a worthwhile field to study. While preparing to write […]

Amazon Transcribe – Accurate Speech To Text At Scale

Update (August 31, 2021) – Removed outdated S3 URLs in the console screenshot and the code. Today we’re launching a private preview of Amazon Transcribe, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech to text capabilities to their applications. As bandwidth and connectivity improve, more and more of the […]

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams – Serverless Video Ingestion and Storage for Vision-Enabled Apps

Cell phones, security cameras, baby monitors, drones, webcams, dashboard cameras, and even satellites can all generate high-intensity, high-quality video streams. Homes, offices, factories, cities, streets, and highways are now host to massive numbers of cameras. They survey properties after floods and other natural disasters, increase public safety, let you know that your child is safe […]

Welcoming Amazon Rekognition Video: Deep-Learning Based Video Recognition

It was this time last year during re:Invent 2016 that Jeff announced the Amazon Rekognition service launch.  I was so excited about getting my hands dirty and start coding against the service to build image recognition solutions. As you may know by now, Amazon Rekognition Image is a cloud service that uses deep learning to provide […]

AWS DeepLens – Get Hands-On Experience with Deep Learning With Our New Video Camera

As I have mentioned a time or two in the past, I am a strong believer in life-long learning. Technological change is coming along faster than ever and you need to do the same in order to keep your skills current. For most of my career, artificial intelligence has been an academic topic, with practical […]

Amazon SageMaker – Accelerating Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a pivotal technology for many startups and enterprises. Despite decades of investment and improvements, the process of developing, training, and maintaining machine learning models has still been cumbersome and ad-hoc. The process of incorporating machine learning into an application often involves a team of experts tuning and tinkering for months with inconsistent […]

S3 Select and Glacier Select – Retrieving Subsets of Objects

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) stores data for millions of applications used by market leaders in every industry. Many of these customers also use Amazon Glacier for secure, durable, and extremely low-cost archival storage. With S3, I can store as many objects as I want and individual objects can be as large as 5 […]