AWS News Blog

Category: Developer Tools

SOAPUI – Web Service Inspection and Testing Tool

Soapui is an open source Java 1.5 tool (with a Swing UI) for inspecting and testing SOAP-based web services. It supports WSDL importing, request generation, an unlimited number of requests per operation, multiple service endpoints for the same service, validation, three types of authentication, and background processing. (found on

Perl DBI Module for ECS

In the Perl community, DBI is a database abstraction layer (read more about DBI here and here). Using this layer, an application can access a number of different data sources using a single, common API. There’s even a DBI Tutorial. The newest member of the DBI family is DBD::Amazon.

Perl Interface to SQS and AWIS

Leon Brocard wrote a Perl interface to the Amazon Simple Queue service earlier this year. You can find Net::Amazon::SimpleQueue at any CPAN site. You can start with the README and then download and install the module. Leon also wrote a module for the Alexa Web Information Service, Net::Amazon::AWIS (and the README).

XMLStarlet – Process XML at the Command Line

XMLStarlet is an open source command-line utility to format, transform, fix, and edit XML using a set of simple commands. Start by downloading the code (source or binary) here. Once configured and installed, XMLStarlet is available using the xml command, with options to list the current directory in XML, delete nodes that match an XPath […]