AWS Cloud Financial Management

Category: Amazon Athena

optimize athena query storage cost

Optimize storage cost for your Athena queries

You can use Amazon Athena, a lightweight serverless, analytics tool, to query your AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR). This enables you to dive into your cost and usage data for spend reporting and optimization analysis. However, you may not know all the opportunities you can optimize your Amazon S3 costs by taking advantage of S3 Lifecycle configuration.

Trends Dashboard with AWS Cost and Usage Reports, Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight

AWS cloud usage data is a critical component in the IT Financial Management process for AWS customers. As organizations grow in cloud maturity, the cloud usage data may become complex as usage incurs from distributed teams and businesses. Financial and Technology leaders need access to trends, signals, insights, and cost deviations to quickly understand and analyze the cloud usage. The AWS Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) provide comprehensive data about your AWS costs, including information related to product, pricing, and usage. By including the Resource IDs and choosing hourly time granularity, CUR allows you to analyze your costs in greater detail and accuracy. You can download the CUR reports from the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) console, query the reports using Amazon Athena or load the reports into Amazon Redshift or visualize in Amazon QuickSight.

Cost Tagging and Reporting with AWS Organizations

Voiced by Amazon Polly   Organized, meaningful cost and usage data helps make informed decisions for your cloud investment. AWS provides various resources and tools to help you organize resources and accounts, such as AWS Cost Categories, AWS Control Tower, and AWS Organizations. AWS Organizations is a great service to centrally manage and govern your […]

Finding savings from 2020 re:Invent announcements

Find cost savings from 2020 re:Invent announcements. Learn how you can save with Amazon EBS gp3; monitor and save your AWS Lambda cost with CloudWatch Lambda Insights; and save cost for your Amazon Athena usage with engine version 2 and control costs for your Athena workgroups with CloudWatch Query Metrics.

How to estimate your AWS WAF and AWS Shield Advanced cost?

Protecting your web applications from common web exploits is of the essence for intellectual and information security. In this blog post, we will walk you through how you can estimate your AWS Shield Advanced monthly cost based on your current resources usage, and how much you will save when you stop paying for AWS WAF, and instead using AWS Shield Advanced.

Cost Allocation Blog Series #4: Visualize Data Transfer Costs with Cost and Usage Reports, Athena, and QuickSight

The right level of visibility into the shared costs allows organizations to understand the main drivers for these costs and provides insights into cost optimization opportunities. In this blog post, we will share tips on how you can visualize data transfer cost details available in AWS Cost and Usage Reports (AWS CUR) for analysis using Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight. 

Cost Allocation Blog Series #1: Cost Allocation Basics That You Need to Know

If it’s Everyone’s job, it’s No One’s job. On our team, we take this lesson to heart and always make sure there is a clear owner for everything we do.  This helps ensure everyone is responsible for specific tasks or goals, and will not be bystanders, assuming someone else will pick up the work. The […]

Querying your AWS Cost and Usage Report using Amazon Athena

The AWS Cost & Usage Report contains the most comprehensive information available on your costs and usage. To extract value quickly from your AWS Cost & Usage Report, query the underlying data source using Amazon Athena. The Athena serverless interactive query service directly queries the information in your Amazon S3 bucket, and analyzes it using […]