AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Virtual Private Cloud


Rapid Data Lake Development with Data Lake as Code Using AWS CloudFormation

Data lakes have evolved into the single store-platform for all enterprise data managed. On AWS, an integrated set of services are available to engineer and automate data lakes. A data lake on AWS is able to group all of the previously mentioned services of relational and non-relational data and allow you to query results faster and at a lower cost. Learn how nClouds used code automation via AWS CloudFormation to create a dynamic data lake stack to visualize and analyze the financial market data.


Connecting Applications Securely to a MongoDB Atlas Data Plane with AWS PrivateLink

Customers want to guarantee private connectivity to MongoDB Atlas running on AWS. All dedicated clusters on MongoDB Atlas are deployed in their own VPC, so customers usually connect to a cluster via VPC peering or public IP access-listing. AWS PrivateLink allows you to securely access MongoDB Atlas clusters from your own VPC. In this post, follow step-by-step instructions to configure AWS PrivateLink for MongoDB Atlas, ensuring private connectivity to your data.

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Choosing the Right DNS Architecture for VMware Cloud on AWS

Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of any infrastructure as it provides the hostname to IP address resolution that applications rely on. VMware Cloud on AWS customers have many options to implement hybrid DNS solutions, ranging from self-hosted to fully managed native services from AWS. Learn about DNS architectures that use native AWS services as well as traditional Active Directory designs, as well as integration with Amazon Route 53 Private Hosted Zones and inbound endpoints.


Maintaining Control of PII Hosted on AWS with Hold Your Own Key (HYOK) Security

One of the biggest challenges in moving to the cloud for organizations that collect and process personally identifiable information (PII) is the fundamental change to the trust model. SecuPi minimizes changes to the trust model and reduces the risk associated with digital transformations. Learn how SecuPi can help you collect and process sensitive or regulated PII and reduce barriers to cloud adoption while satisfying the trust model requirements of even the most conservative and risk-averse companies.

How to Integrate AWS Client VPN with Azure Active Directory

It’s well known that IT departments prefer authentication integration into existing IdPs such as Azure Active Directory to reduce operational overhead and the attack surface of IT systems. AWS announced federated authentication support for AWS Client VPN in May 2020, and this support requires integration with a SAML 2.0 provider, such as Azure Active Directory. Learn how to integrate AWS Client VPN with an Azure Active Directory to give remote users access to an AWS private VPCs..

Reduce Migration Times to AWS By Up to 79% with NetFoundry and CloudEndure Migration

Cloud migration introduces challenges for network systems, as the configurations designed for on-premises usually don’t work well for the cloud. NetFoundry implements cloud-based orchestration and APIs to instantly spin up and manage Zero Trust, performant, edge-to-cloud networks over the internet. NetFoundry is collaborating with CloudEndure Migration to accelerate the application migration process to AWS with the NetFoundry Zero Trust platform.

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10 Best Practices to Help Partners Build AWS Quick Starts for Customers

AWS Partners in the AWS Quick Start program can help their customers automate the deployment of their solutions, increasing customer engagements and improving the customer experience. The AWS Quick Start team has had considerable experience working with a variety of partner products, and has identified best practices to follow when developing a Quick Start and common missteps to avoid. By following these steps, you can efficiently and effectively develop Quick Starts using the AWS platform.


Provisioning a Virtual Private Cloud at Scale with AWS CDK

Infrastructure as code is one of the most important concepts used with cloud solutions, and AWS CloudFormation enables IaC by deploying stacks and provisioning resources on AWS using JSON or YAML files called templates. APN Ambassador Francois Rouxel from Slalom will show you how to create a hundred VPCs in one AWS region without providing any parameters, and how to easily establish a peering connection between two of them within a single line of code.


How to Upgrade Large Windows 2008 R2 Workloads in Place

Upgrading legacy systems to the cloud can seem daunting and time-consuming, but with the right combination of AWS Systems Manager, AWS Directory Service, and a few simple AWS Lambda functions, you can upgrade from your outdated Windows environments flawlessly, seamlessly, and at scale. Learn how you can run an in-place upgrade of your Windows 2008 R2 production instances to Windows 2019 R2, and how to control instance tagging so you can orchestrate the root volume replacement process.


Simplifying Routing Across Multiple AWS Regions with a Virtual Router Service

A virtual router service such as Megaport Cloud Router (MCR) routes traffic across AWS regions without forcing you to set up and maintain static routes. MCR is a virtual routing service maintained by Megaport. All you do is set up your AWS environment and forward its configuration to Megaport, which handles the rest. Megaport’s connectivity specialists can provide design and support worldwide to AWS users.