AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Migration & Transfer Services


Migrating a Mainframe to AWS in 5 Steps with Astadia

When carefully planned, managed, and executed, the rewards of moving Mainframe workloads to AWS are numerous. Besides the cost savings of the pay-as-you-go model, once your Mainframe application set has been fully deployed on AWS, you will have the freedom to integrate proven business logic with modern technologies for data analytics or mobile enablement. With that in mind, migrating Mainframe applications to the cloud seems more like a necessity than a luxury.


How to Migrate Mainframe Batch to Cloud Microservices with AWS Blu Age

While modernizing customer mainframes, the team at AWS Blu Age discovered that Batch can be a complex aspect of a mainframe migration to AWS. It’s critical to design your AWS architecture to account for the key Batch stringent performance requirements such as intensive I/Os, large datasets, and short durations. Let’s explore how to migrate mainframe Batch to AWS microservices using AWS Blu Age automated transformation technology.

VMware Cloud on AWS_blue

Diving Deep on the Foundational Blocks of VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware Cloud on AWS enables customers to extend their on-premises data centers and easily migrate application workloads without having to convert machine image formats or undergo a re-platforming process. Customers no longer have to over-provision hardware resources to accommodate for host failures. Instead, they can increase utilization of the cluster resources, as host failure replacement takes minutes, not days or weeks. In this post, we dive deeper into the foundational blocks that make up this service.

AWS Migration

How Enterprises Are Migrating to AWS with Confidence with Cloud-Native Visibility

As the move towards cloud accelerates, unsubstantiated fears about security are inhibiting the use of cloud services by some enterprises. A vital element of a successful cloud migration is understanding shared responsibilities between the organization and cloud service provider. Ixia’s CloudLens has a serverless architecture that scales with distributed software systems built for cloud scale, which delivers intelligent, resilient, and proactive cloud visibility.

VMware Cloud on AWS

Securing Workloads on VMware Cloud on AWS Using Native AWS Services

With the recent launch of VMware Cloud on AWS, you can now run workloads on VMware-managed SDDC clusters installed on special bare metal hardware provided by Amazon Amazon EC2 services. This post describes a solution for securing workloads on VMware Cloud on AWS that we demonstrated at VMworld 2017. VMware workloads that run in the SDDC cluster can leverage different levels of AWS network and application protection capabilities with minimum to no changes to their application settings.

VMware Cloud on AWS

Best Practices for Virtualizing Oracle RAC with VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware Cloud on AWS brings VMware’s Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) to the AWS Cloud, and now many Business Critical Application workloads that were previously difficult to deploy in the cloud no longer require significant platform modifications. A Better Together demonstration that AWS and VMware co-presented at VMworld 2017 using an Oracle RAC database. Enterprises using Oracle RAC now have a seamless transition path to cloud with VMware Cloud on AWS.

Cloud Migration: Measurement at the Moment Of Truth

By Lee Atchison, Sr. Director of Strategic Architecture, New Relic This is a guest post from New Relic, an Advanced APN Technology Partner and AWS Migration Competency Partner, When migrating applications to AWS, it doesn’t matter if you are rehosting, replatforming, or planning a full refactor—as you take each step, you should know what’s working. […]

Using TSO Logic Data Analytics and Data Modeling to Demonstrate Cost Advantages of AWS Cloud Migration

By Aaron Rallo, CEO, TSO Logic. This is a guest post from TSO Logic, an Advanced APN Technology Partner and AWS Migration Competency Partner. Let’s say you’re considering migrating to the AWS Cloud, but first want to get a solid grasp on the economics. Maybe your team hasn’t had the time to identify how much […]

AWS Migration

Facilitating a Migration to AWS with CloudEndure by Leveraging Automation

By Carmen Puccio and Mandus Momberg, Partner Solutions Architects at AWS focused on Migration It’s no secret that migrating software and services from an on-premises environment to the cloud entails unique considerations and requirements. To provide confidence in the outcome of your migration, your migration strategy needs to scale easily. This means that a large […]