AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog
Category: Foundational (100)
GA Telesis Launches a Fraud Detection SaaS Solution with Support from AWS SaaS Factory
With the support of AWS SaaS Factory, GA Telesis launched the FraudBlock SaaS solution, a fraud protect API service for companies to protect their organizations from BEC/EAC scams and help securely perform B2B transactions. The SaaS Factory team spoke with Darryl Maraj, Head of Technology at DIG and CTO at Blockrails, to learn more about Blockrails, the value its new FraudBlock solution brings to customers, and the key lessons learned building a SaaS solution on AWS.
Say Hello to 72 New AWS Competency, Service Delivery, Service Ready, and MSP Partners Added in February
We are excited to highlight 72 AWS Partners that received new designations in February for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), AWS Service Delivery, and AWS Service Ready programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top AWS Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. AWS Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.
Training from AWS is a Missing Piece of the HR Strategy for AWS Partners
The demand for cloud talent is rising as the reach of transformative cloud technologies continues to grow. In turn, this increases pressure on human resources (HR) to successfully recruit, retain, and reskill top industry talent. This post details the impact of AWS training on AWS Partner organizations, ranging from improved business outcomes to increased job satisfaction among your employees, and how you can inspire your team to participate in training and earn certifications.
AWS Partner Experts Discuss the Significance of Black History Month 2022
As we celebrate Black History Month in 2022, the AWS Partner Network (APN) is honored to share some perspectives from several members of our global AWS Partner community. Isaac Oben is an AWS Ambassador and Sr. IT Lead at CDW. He has 15+ years of experience architecting, designing, and delivering IT solutions to customers across multiple industries. Larry Gilreath is the worldwide leader for the Systems Integrators Partner Management Solutions Architecture team at AWS.
Say Hello to 60 New AWS Competency, Service Delivery, Service Ready, and MSP Partners Added in January
We are excited to highlight 60 AWS Partners that received new designations in January for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), AWS Service Delivery, and AWS Service Ready programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top AWS Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. AWS Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.
Exasol Accelerates Customers’ Migration to Cloud with Support of AWS SaaS Factory
Exasol provides a high performance in-memory analytics database to give organizations the power to transform how they work with data. Working with AWS SaaS Factory, Exasol launched their analytics database through a SaaS model and navigated technical and business decisions for launch and beyond. In this Q&A, Peter Jackson, Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Exasol, shares insights on their journey and advice for organizations who are in the process of building SaaS on AWS.
Announcing the New AWS Partner Creative and Messaging Guide
We are excited to introduce the new AWS Partner Creative and Messaging Guide, a definitive resource detailing new branding treatments including partner badges, logos, and messaging dos and don’ts which partners can refer to when creating marketing communications, campaign collateral, and event assets. We recommend AWS Partners begin using the new guide, as it replaces the APN Messaging and Branding Guide and the AWS Co-Branding Guide.
New AWS Ambassadors and Latest Activities from Q3/Q4 2021
The APN Ambassador Program features a vibrant worldwide community of technical experts, known as AWS Ambassadors, from AWS Partner Network (APN) Services and Software Partners. Our Ambassadors evangelize AWS via social media and facilitate peer-to-peer learning by presenting at conferences, leading workshops, and hosting user group events. We are proud to introduce our newest AWS Ambassadors from Q3 and Q4 2021.
Broadpeak Launches New Video Streaming API SaaS Platform with Support from AWS SaaS Factory
Video delivery is changing as viewers expect content providers to deliver an exceptional streaming experience with personalized and context-aware streaming. Broadpeak is an AWS Partner and leading provider of CDN and video streaming solutions that helps content providers and pay-TV operators worldwide. We recently spoke with Mathias Guille, VP Cloud Platform at Broadpeak, to learn more about the new SaaS platform and the value it brings to customers.
Say Hello to 60 New AWS Competency, Service Delivery, Service Ready, and MSP Partners Added in December
We are excited to highlight 60 AWS Partners that received new designations in December for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), AWS Service Delivery, and AWS Service Ready programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top AWS Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. AWS Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.