AWS Startups Blog

Serverless Tenant Isolation in SaaS Applications with SigTech

Providing innovative technology solutions for some of the world’s leading investors, security is at the heart of everything SigTech does. SigTech offers future-proof quant technologies to global investors. Cloud-hosted and Python-based, the platform integrates a next-gen backtest engine and analytics with curated datasets covering equities, rates, FX, commodities and volatility. Through the use of the deep and rich features provided by AWS services, SigTech has been able to build quant technologies that are operable by their engineering team, can be developed and iterated in an agile way, and meet the security requirements of their customers.

Applications Are Now Open in the UK for the AWS Healthcare Accelerator Programme

The United Kingdom (UK) healthcare system’s acceleration of innovation in service delivery, along with its increased adoption of digitally-enabled, secure, and compliant solutions through the Covid-19 crisis has brought about great benefit for patients. Embracing digital health innovations has enabled the NHS to deliver a world-leading vaccination programme showing their inherent talent and collaborative, patient-centric capacity to transform at pace. Now, their focus moves to tackling backlogs in elective care, continuing to implement the NHS Long Term Plan, and focusing on transformation of services to support NHS resilience. To support both high-potential healthcare startups and the UK healthcare system’s demand for these types of solutions, we are excited to announce the launch of the AWS Healthcare Accelerator programme in the UK.

Build a Hybrid Architecture for Local Compliance and Global Scalability

Startups at any stage face regulatory challenges when expanding to new markets or trying to comply with data residency regulations in their home market, putting them at a disadvantage compared to established enterprises. Follow along as we explore alternatives where a startup could run workloads in multiple infrastructures in a hybrid approach to comply with local data residency requirements, while utilizing the AWS regions for global scalability.

re:Invent Startups Attendee Guide

The AWS Attendee Guide for Startups at Re:Invent 2021

AWS re:Invent 2021 is back, live and in-person once more. This year, we partnered with AWS Community Hero, Martin Buberl, to create an attendee guide specifically for startup attendees. Martin loves the fast pace of constantly iterating, building, and shipping products that customers love—it keeps him coming back for more. If you love to explore how AWS has changed the game for how rapidly you can turn ideas into products that scale, then his guide is for you. Here are the highlights of what to expect this year.

Flex Your Skills with Step Functions

Share Your Integration Innovations in the Flex Your Skills Contest on AWS

Think you have a great idea other startups should be using? The Flex Your Skills Contest is your chance to highlight your creativity and ingenuity in integrations in AWS using Step Functions. AWS Step Functions is a low-code visual workflow service used to orchestrate AWS services, automate business processes, and build serverless applications. With the release of AWS SDK Integration in Step Functions, supported integrations for AWS Services in Step Functions have increased from 17 to over 200, and supported AWS API Actions have increased from 46 to over 9,000 making it even simpler to build on AWS.

Optimizing Logistics Channels with TheLorry and AWS

Founded in 2014, TheLorry has built a logistics platform that connects owners of lorries (similar to a cargo truck), van’s and trucks with customers in need of shipping. From consumers that are looking to clean house and get rid of unwanted goods to enterprises delivering large items like appliances, TheLorry is able to link them up with trucks to efficiently move what is needed.

How Stoke Therapeutics Is Turbo-Charging Drug Discovery Using Snakemake and AWS

As a biotechnology company, Stoke Therapeutics is dedicated to addressing the underlying cause of severe diseases with RNA-based medicines. Identifying genomic signatures begins with computational analyses of publicly-available archived data and privately-generated sequencing data. Through AWS, Stoke has quick access to computing resources without the active management of on-prem hardware, enabling them to close the gap between sequencing and interpretation and dedicate more time to science.

Lumen's Assistive Technology

Empowering the Blind – How .lumen Is Revolutionizing Blind Assistive Technologies Using AWS

.lumen is a Romanian startup working on adding a wearable device to the too-small list of mobility solutions for visually-impaired people. The company’s goal is to pack all the benefits of a guide dog into a headset, making getting around far easier for the millions of blind people who don’t have access to a trained canine.


Travizory Leverages GitOps and AI to Help Countries Unlock Safe Travel in Just 4 Weeks

As the world begins to reconsider international travel, the challenge many governments now face is how to reopen borders to revive their economies, while keeping local communities safe and minimizing health risks. Lengthy lines and unfamiliar screening processes at many airports make it clear that existing systems simply can’t cope with the ‘new normal’ of travelling. Anticipating the need to navigate this incredibly complex and high-stakes landscape, border security experts Travizory developed a world-leading secure SaaS border security and management platform using cutting-edge biometrics, AI and machine learning technologies that enables countries to safely welcome visitors within a matter of weeks.

Building Community with Common Room and AWS

Communities are vital to the health of individuals and companies, but they can be sprawling, disjointed, and difficult to grasp—especially online. Enter Common Room, which co-founder and Chief Architect Tom Kleinpeter describes as a community-intelligence platform that provides a single view into everything that’s important in your online community, across all the different places it might be happening.