AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup


Living to Love Local: Matt Doka of Fivestars on Boosting Small Businesses with Amazon RDS

These days, the sense of community has become all more important. Small businesses, often seen as the backbone of local economies, have been hit especially hard. Founded in 2011, Fivestars if here to help that exact segment, offering a payment and loyalty platform that takes the heavy lifting off the plate of those managing these businesses.

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Stedi Simplifies the B2B Transaction Process Leveraging a Serverless-First Architecture

Stedi provides organizations with the ability to quickly connect and transact with trading partners without having to go through painful point-to-point implementations. Leveraging a serverless first architecture, the company provides a completely self-service ‘digital mailbox’ that organizations can use to exchange 300+ different commercial transaction types in standardized formats.

Join AWS at Collision from Home 2020

AWS is returning to the Collision conference for the fourth year. This year, the Collision conference will be the Collision From Home Conference, running completely virtually, bringing together over 30,000 virtual attendees from all over the world. We will have a variety of virtual activities and content to share. Check out what’s on deck here.

Farming’s Future is Already Present in Australia

These are not the times to try and dance around the realities of what it takes (and costs) to run a startup, says Emma Weston, CEO and co-founder of Sydney, Australia-based AgriDigital. AgriDigital straddles the worlds of farming and fintech, offering a platform for buyers and sellers of commodity crops like grain and cotton to do business with more speed and transparency.

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MediSci’s Platform Leverages Amazon QLDB to Bridge the Gap Between Healthcare and Life Science Product Development

MediSci is looking to bring together the frontline healthcare and life science product development industries to enable better patient outcomes. Historically, the two industries did not communicate as no platforms existed to enable conversation. The MediSci team is on a mission to change that, leveraging Amazon QLDB in the process to offer a way to bridge that gap.

FinTech Startup Tide’s Analytics Platform  Journey: Walking through the Past, Present, and Future

Plamen Ivanov, consultant for Tide is deeply involved in redesigning and implementing its Analytics Platform in AWS. In this article, he shares the journey that Tide has been on, architecting the Platform in a way to best serve Tide’s needs. He’ll share the platform’s past — what they faced when the team was formed back in November 2019; the platform’s present — what they achieved in 6 months (Nov 2019 — Apr 2020), and the platform’s future — what they are planning to achieve by the end of the year (2020).

Remote Work Rises: A Checklist for Secure Networks on AWS

An organization that rushes to make remote work possible may experience network strain and expose themselves to data breaches if the transition lacks a rock-solid security foundation. Organizations that make AWS a cornerstone of their cloud grapple with this notion too, but this checklist allows them to prepare and complement their AWS solution with a security model that provides speedy, safe access to any number of remote employees no matter where they choose to work.