AWS Security Blog

How to implement relationship-based access control with Amazon Verified Permissions and Amazon Neptune

Externalized authorization for custom applications is a security approach where access control decisions are managed outside of the application logic. Instead of embedding authorization rules within the application’s code, these rules are defined as policies, which are evaluated by a separate system to make an authorization decision. This separation enhances an application’s security posture by aligning with Zero Trust principles of continual real-time authorization, simplifies the management of security policies, and enables consistent policy enforcement across multiple applications. Amazon Verified Permissions is a scalable permissions management and fine-grained authorization service that you can use to externalize application authorization.

Two common access control models that you might consider when implementing your authorization system are role-based access control (RBAC) and attribute-based access control (ABAC). RBAC grants permissions to users based on their assigned roles within an organization, simplifying the management of access by grouping permissions into roles that correspond to job functions. ABAC grants permissions based on a set of attributes associated with users, resources, and the context, allowing for more fine-grained and dynamic authorization decisions. However, as systems become more complex and have more interconnected data—especially in environments like social networks, collaborative environments, and multi-tenant applications—the limitations of RBAC and ABAC become apparent. These models often fail to effectively capture the relationships between entities. Relationship-based access control (ReBAC) offers a more nuanced approach by using the relationships between users and resources to make decisions about permitted actions, thus addressing scenarios more efficiently than other models.

In this blog post, we show you how to implement ReBAC using Verified Permissions and Amazon Neptune, a managed, serverless graph database on AWS.

What is relationship-based access control?

The core principle of ReBAC is that authorization decisions are based on the relationships between the principal requesting access and the resource being accessed. These relationships can be of several types—ownership, collaboration, or membership relationships—that form hierarchical structures. Examples of ReBAC can be found in multiple domains, including social media sites, project management tools, and content management systems. For example, in a social media application, ReBAC can be used to control who can view, comment, or share a post based on the relationships between the poster, their connections, and the content itself.

Conceptually, roles are types of relationships, and relationships are subsets of attributes.

Benefits of ReBAC

In some types of applications, relationships change dynamically. For example, in a collaborative or social media application, relationships such as contributor or co-owner are continually being established between individual users and resources. Compared to traditional access control models, ReBAC offers the following benefits in these use cases.

  • Fine-grained access control – ReBAC grants access at the level of an individual resource based on a user’s relationship with that resource. For example, a user can update individual photo albums with which they have a contributor relationship.
  • Scalability and adaptability – Relationships can change dynamically. Access permissions are updated automatically when a relationship changes. For example, when the contributor relationship is removed, the user no longer has access.
  • Support for hierarchies – ReBAC can handle hierarchical relationships. For example, the contributor relationship can be inherited down through an album hierarchy, permitting the user to update photo albums that are members of the album with which they have the relationship.

Common relationship models in ReBAC

Here are some common relationship models, also shown in Figure 1, for consideration when building the application and its authorization system:

  • Resource ownership – Permissions to access or manipulate a resource are granted based on whether a user owns that resource. For example, you can delete a GitHub repository if you are the owner of the repository.
  • Resource hierarchies – Permissions to access or manipulate a resource are granted based on the permissions that a principal has for the parent resource. For example, a GitHub repository contributor can close issues that belong to that repository.
  • User hierarchies – These are similar to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user groups. Principals that belong to a group will have the permissions granted to that group.

Figure 1: Common relationship models in ReBAC

Figure 1: Common relationship models in ReBAC

In a relationship model, direct relationships represent clear, explicit links between users and resources, such as an employee owns their expense reports or a file is a member of a folder. These connections are straightforward and simply definable.

However, relationship models often extend beyond these direct links to include hierarchical structures. These create indirect relationships that are more complex in nature. For example, team managers might have access to all expense reports filed by their subordinates, even though they don’t directly own these reports. Similarly, folder owners might have access to all files within their subfolders, regardless of who created those files.

These indirect relationships are derived from a series of direct relationships. They form a relationship chain that, while not explicitly defined, is implied by the hierarchical structure. Because of their complexity and potential for far-reaching implications, these indirect relationships require careful consideration when designing an authorization system.

In this blog post, we focus on the implementation of the relationship models that use resource ownership and resource hierarchies, and relationship hierarchies in these models.

Example scenario

Consider a video application that allows users to manage and share videos of their pets. Alice and Bob are individual users within the environment and so they only have access permissions to their own directory or videos. Because Alice and Bob directly own their resources, they have direct OWNER relationships to these resources, represented as solid lines in Figure 2. aliceCatVideo.mp4 is a video resource stored in the aliceVideoDirectory directory. There is a MemberOf relationship between these resources.

Figure 2: Alice has direct relationship to resources that she has direct ownership

Figure 2: Alice has direct relationship to resources that she has direct ownership

Charlie has direct OWNER relationship to the root directory petVideosDirectory. Because aliceVideoDirectory is a subdirectory of petVideosDirectory, Charlie inherits an OWNER relationship to aliceVideoDirectory and the video resource aliceCatVideo.mp4 inside. This indirect OWNER relationship is inherited through the MemberOf relationship between resources and is represented as dotted lines in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Charlie has indirect relationship to resources that inherited from the MemberOf relationship

Figure 3: Charlie has indirect relationship to resources that inherited from the MemberOf relationship

When implementing access control for this scenario, both RBAC and ABAC offer distinct approaches. In RBAC, you might define roles such as OWNER and VIEWER, and grant Charlie full access to each resource through the OWNER role. While initially straightforward, this method can become inflexible as the application grows, potentially leading to role proliferation. For example, you might want to have separate roles to manage different resources (such as photos or videos) for each type of pet (such as cats or dogs). In ABAC, you might assign attributes such as OWNER and VIEWER and grant each user permissions to resources with specific attributes. This approach offers more flexibility, but fine-grained control can be more complex to set up and manage. As the application’s hierarchy becomes more intricate, both models face challenges in maintaining scalability while maintaining proper access control.

ReBAC addresses these limitations by implementing an access control model that uses direct and indirect relationships between principals and resources. In the example scenario, when Charlie requests access to the video resource aliceCatVideo.mp4, the application traverses the relationship graph in Neptune to retrieve the inherited OWNER relationship through the MemberOf relationship and make the authorization decision.

Overview of a ReBAC application

In this solution, relationship data is stored in Neptune. Prior to requesting an authorization decision from Verified Permissions, the application runs a Neptune query that traverses the relationship graph to retrieve the set of principals that have a specific relationship with the resource. The application then constructs an authorization request for Verified Permissions, using the results of this query to populate the entity data in the request.

In the Cedar schema, the resource has an attribute—named for the relationship—that contains the set of principals that have that relationship with the resource. In our sample application, entities of type Video have an attribute called OWNER, which contains the set of users that have an owner relationship, directly or indirectly, with a video. Each potential relationship is represented by a distinct resource attribute and requires a dedicated query to fetch the set of principals that have that relationship.

See the GitHub repository for the step-by-step walkthrough. In this post, we focus on the key concepts of the solution.


Figure 4: Solution architecture

Figure 4: Solution architecture

The solution architecture, as shown in Figure 4, includes the following:

  1. The user authenticates with Amazon Cognito and obtains an access token and an ID token.
  2. The user accesses the application through Amazon API Gateway with the provided token.
  3. An application AWS Lambda function traverses the relationship graph in Neptune and returns the set of principals that have a specific relationship with the resource.
  4. The application Lambda function constructs the requests by putting relationship data in the entities field and passes the requests to Verified Permissions. Verified Permissions acts as the policy decision point (PDP) and evaluates the Cedar policies to arrive at an authorization decision.
  5. The application Lambda function acts as the policy enforcement point (PEP) to enforce the authorization decision returned by Verified Permissions by allowing or denying access to the API.

Data modelling and queries in Neptune

Relationships between entities are created and stored in Neptune as a property graph. A property graph is a set of vertices and edges with respective properties (key-value pairs). The vertices represent entities such as User, Directory, and Video in our example, and the edges represent directional relationships between vertices. Each edge has a label that denotes the type of relationship.

Neptune supports multiple graph query languages, including Gremlin, openCypher, and SPARQL, to access a graph. In this solution, we use Gremlin as the graph query language. For more information about Gremlin, see the documentation from Apache TinkerPop. You can use Neptune graph notebooks to work with a Neptune graph.

You can visualize the relationship graph (Figure 5) using the following query. We use elementMap() to include attributes to represent a vertex or an edge.

# Visualizing the relationship graph and extracting the attributes of each vertex and edge
%%gremlin -p v,oute,inv
Figure 5: Relationship graph in Neptune

Figure 5: Relationship graph in Neptune

The following code snippet shows how to add a vertex for entity and an edge for relationship in a relationship graph. Static attributes such as ownerId, ownerName, and isPublic are defined as properties of a vertex. In our example, we will define two relationships—MEMBEROF and OWNER—to denote the direct relationships between resources-to-resources and resources-to-users respectively.

# Adding video vertices (eg. aliceCatVideo_vertex)
g.addV('video').property('name', 'aliceCatVideo.mp4').property('videoId', aliceCatVideo_id).property('ownerId', alice_id).property('ownerName', 'alice').property('isPublic', False)

# Adding relationship edges

It’s a best practice to assign universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) for all principal and resource identifiers. Another best practice is to not include personally identifying, confidential, or sensitive information as part of the unique identifier for your principals or resources.

To traverse the relationship graph to obtain the owner vertex of a resource vertex, you can use the following query. This query returns the vertex that has a direct OWNER relationship to the resource vertex aliceCatVideo.mp4.

# Retrieve the direct owner of a specific video
g.V().hasLabel('video').has('name', 'aliceCatVideo.mp4').in('OWNER').values(‘name’)

You can use the following query to discover inherited OWNER relationships through MemberOf relationships between resources. The query traverses the relationship graph starting from a video vertex and return the OWNER vertex of each resource vertex along the path to the root directory petVideosDirectory. It outputs the set of owners after deduplication. This query discovers the inherited OWNER in the file system hierarchy and includes them in the entities list of authorization requests.

# Retrieve the direct and transitive owners of a specific video
g.V().hasLabel('video').has('videoId',video_id).union(in('OWNER'),repeat(out('MEMBEROF')).until(has('name', 'petVideosDirectory')).in('OWNER')).dedup().values('userId').toList()

Cedar policy design

Verified Permissions uses the Cedar policy language to define fine-grained permissions. The default decision for an authorization response is DENY. The first policy permits a principal to perform actions in the action group OwnerActions on resources in petVideosDirectory only when the same principal is included in the set of resource owners.

// Resource owner and related persons can access the resources
permit (
	action in [PetVideosApp::Action::"OwnerActions"],
	resource in PetVideosApp::Directory::<petVideosDirectory_UUID> ) 
when { 
	resource has owner && 
	principal in resource.owner };

The second policy is an ABAC policy that permits a principal to perform actions in the action group PublicActions on resources in petVideosDirectory only when the resource has the static attribute isPublic and its value is true.

// Allow public access to the resources
permit (
	action in [PetVideosApp::Action::"PublicActions"], 
	resource in PetVideosApp::Directory::<petVideosDirectory_UUID> ) 
when { 
	resource has isPublic &&
	resource.isPublic == true };

Implementing ReBAC using this Cedar design pattern in conjunction with a relationship graph requires the careful construction of queries. Verified Permissions will validate that the Cedar policies are correct, based on the Cedar schema, but cannot validate that the Neptune queries correctly traverse the graph to return the correct set of principals with the referenced relationship.

When designing your policies and queries, take account of the following guidelines.

  • Each Cedar policy governs the behaviors of a specific relationship, in this case OWNER. Use a distinct Cedar policy for each relationship in your use cases.
  • Define action groups for each relationship in your use cases.
  • Each new relationship referenced in a Cedar policy requires its own query, and the application needs to run this query if the relationship is relevant to the authorization request. Policy writers must collaborate closely with the application developer to help ensure that the application fetches all data that’s relevant to the authorization request.
  • Indirect relationships can be hard to intuit and prone to errors. The example here of an OWNER relationship inherited through the MEMBEROF relationship is relatively intuitive. However, we recommend avoiding policies that rely on indirect relationships that are derived from multiple different types of direct relationship.
  • Indirect relationships can be over-permissive when there is no permission boundary defined. In our example, the boundary for inherited relationship is defined at the root level of the directory (petVideosDirectory). Follow the least privilege principle to limit inherited relationship within a clearly defined permission boundary.
  • Use MEMBEROF to denote the parent relationship in your graph to align with Cedar policy terminology. However, remember that Verified Permissions cannot auto-discover the Neptune graph, so your queries will still need to be designed to traverse it correctly.

Authorization request to Verified Permissions

The following example shows the structure of an authorization request made to Verified Permissions. In the example, Amazon Cognito is used as the identity source of the Verified Permissions policy store. Cognito user ID claims are mapped to the user entity PetVideosApp::User. Tokens issued by Cognito are mapped to a principal ID in the format <user pool ID>|<sub> by Verified Permissions.

The following request was made for action ViewVideo to the video resource entity with UUID 878c101a-ca0e-4733-904d-af3f252abf50 (the video ID of aliceCatVideo.mp4) using the ID token of alice. The user IDs for alice and charlie were returned after traversing the relationship graph in Neptune to fetch users with the OWNER relationship and include these in the owner attribute in the entities field. The entities field is an array of attributes that Verified Permissions can examine when evaluating the policies. The resource hierarchy of this video resource was shown by including the parent directories (petVideosDirectory and aliceVideosDirectory) as the parent entities in the authorization request.

With reference to the Cedar policy <Resource owner and related persons can access the resources>, the following authorization request returns an ALLOW decision.

    "policyStoreId": "HhuNNuHBJJYJd4MfEhAZzD",
    "identityToken": [ID Token Redacted],
    "action": {
        "actionType": "PetVideosApp::Action",
        "actionId": "ViewVideo"
    "resource": {
        "entityType": "PetVideosApp::Video",
        "entityId": "878c101a-ca0e-4733-904d-af3f252abf50"
    "entities": {
        "entityList": [
                "identifier": {
                    "entityType": "PetVideosApp::Video",
                    "entityId": "878c101a-ca0e-4733-904d-af3f252abf50"
                "attributes": {
                    "owner": {
                        "set": [
                                "entityIdentifier": {
                                    "entityType": "PetVideosApp::User",
                                    "entityId": "ap-southeast-2_K9khoza7q|696e7428-e021-708d-7996-2d322fcf4b29"
                                "entityIdentifier": {
                                    "entityType": "PetVideosApp::User",
                                    "entityId": "ap-southeast-2_K9khoza7q|f91eb468-2001-7080-b860-eff8e20c333c"
                    "isPublic": {
                        "boolean": false
                "parents": [
                        "entityType": "PetVideosApp::Directory",
                        "entityId": "8e46133a-18da-47dc-bb7c-5e8640f45043"
                        "entityType": "PetVideosApp::Directory",
                        "entityId": "5e732639-692b-4fb0-8b69-d305926144fe"

Combining ReBAC policies with ABAC policies

ReBAC policies are a great fit when you want to create access based on a relationship between the principal and the resource. However, there can be cases where an ABAC policy is a more intuitive expression of a business rule. For example, in the sample application, you might want to grant all principals permission to view any public resource.

With ReBAC, you would need to create a vertex public in the relationship graph, create MEMBEROF relationships between all public resources and this vertex, and then create a VIEWER relationship between all principals and the vertex public.

With Cedar, you can create a policy store that is a mix of ReBAC and ABAC policies, enabling you to express this access rule with a single ABAC policy that allows public access to resources, as described in the section Cedar Policy Design. This policy grants broad access on resources with the attribute isPublic set to true.

You can use the following Gremlin query to modify the static property isPublic of the video resource vertex bobDogVideo.mp4 to true.

# Set the property "isPublic" to "true" for a specific video

You can verify the value of property isPublic of bobDogVideo.mp4 with the following Gremlin query.

# Verify the value of property "isPublic" of a specific video

The following authorization request is made to Verified Permissions using the principal alice after you have set the isPublic property of the video resource bobDogVideo.mp4. In the entities field, there is the attribute isPublic with true as the value.

With reference to the Cedar policy <Allow public access to the resources>, the following authorization request returns ALLOW.

    "policyStoreId": "HhuNNuHBJJYJd4MfEhAZzD",
    "identityToken": [ID Token Redacted], ,
    "action": {
        "actionType": "PetVideosApp::Action",
        "actionId": "ViewVideo"
    "resource": {
        "entityType": "PetVideosApp::Video",
        "entityId": "8646429e-dca1-4229-aa26-9afcf75f053b"
    "entities": {
        "entityList": [
                "identifier": {
                    "entityType": "PetVideosApp::Video",
                    "entityId": "8646429e-dca1-4229-aa26-9afcf75f053b"
                "attributes": {
                    "owner": {
                        "set": [
                                "entityIdentifier": {
                                    "entityType": "PetVideosApp::User",
                                    "entityId": "ap-southeast-2_K9khoza7q|b99ee448-f081-7078-5343-826a680f781f"
                                "entityIdentifier": {
                                    "entityType": "PetVideosApp::User",
                                    "entityId": "ap-southeast-2_K9khoza7q|f91eb468-2001-7080-b860-eff8e20c333c"
                    "isPublic": {
                        "boolean": true
                "parents": [
                        "entityType": "PetVideosApp::Directory",
                        "entityId": "b1551923-838e-43dc-946c-9fc63a85f445"
                        "entityType": "PetVideosApp::Directory",
                        "entityId": "5e732639-692b-4fb0-8b69-d305926144fe"


In this post, we showed you what ReBAC is and its benefits and demonstrated the implementation of ReBAC using Amazon Verified Permissions and Amazon Neptune. We also reviewed Cedar policy design patterns and considerations, in addition to the authorization request structure for a ReBAC application. You also saw how to combine ReBAC policies with ABAC policies.

To learn more about this solution and the source code, visit the GitHub repository. For more information, see Cedar PoliciesAmazon Verified Permissions, and Amazon Neptune.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Henry Ho Henry Ho
Henry is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, dedicated to serving enterprise customers in Hong Kong. He specializes in cybersecurity and works with customers from different segments to establish secure landing zones on AWS, elevate their cloud security postures, and advocate cloud security.
Christine Chan Christine Chan
Christine is an Enterprise Support Technical Account Manager (TAM) based in Hong Kong. She focuses on serving large customers from different industries, using her expertise to provide guidance and technical support. She assists in delivering scalable, resilient, and cost-effective solutions. Apart from work, she also enjoys doing sports.