AWS Quantum Technologies Blog

Category: Quantum Technologies

Amazon Braket launches Aquila, the first neutral-atom quantum processor from QuEra Computing

Introduction Quantum researchers require access to different types of quantum hardware from digital, also known as gate-based, quantum processing units (QPUs) to analog devices that are capable of addressing specific problems that are hard to solve using classical computers. Today, Amazon Braket, the quantum computing service from AWS, continues to deliver on its commitment to […]

AWS open-sources OQpy to make it easier to write quantum programs in OpenQASM 3

In September 2021, we announced that AWS would be joining the OpenQASM 3 Technical Steering Committee in an effort to establish a consistent, industry-wide approach for describing quantum programs. In that blog post we also shared our plans to help extend the OpenQASM ecosystem to work with hardware being developed at the AWS Center for Quantum Computing. […]

Amazon Braket launches Braket Pulse to develop quantum programs at the pulse level

When experimenting on a quantum computer, customers often need to program at the lower-level language of the device. Today, we are launching Braket Pulse, a feature that provides pulse-level access to quantum processing units (QPUs) from two hardware providers on Amazon Braket, Rigetti Computing and Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC). In this blog, we present an […]

Figure showing progress in quantum algorithms

Goldman Sachs and AWS examine efficient ways to load data into quantum computers

Suppose you are trying to solve a problem of interest (e.g., portfolio optimization or machine learning), and you are given some classical data, neatly arranged into a matrix A. Your plan is to solve this problem using a quantum algorithm to process the data. For example, you may be trying to solve a linear system […]

Amazon Braket now supports verbatim compilation and native gates with IonQ

As of 05/17/2023, the ARN of the IonQ Harmony device changed to arn:aws:braket:us-east-1::device/qpu/ionq/Harmony. Therefore, information on this page may be outdated. Learn more. Previously, when customers submitted a circuit to the IonQ device on Amazon Braket, the circuit was automatically compiled to native instructions. Today, we are extending the verbatim compilation feature to IonQ’s 11-qubit […]

Announcing a research alliance between AWS and Harvard University

Quantum science is progressing rapidly: in recent decades it has emerged from textbooks to enable tools we use in everyday life, such as lasers and GPS. Amazon, which is already involved in quantum computing, recently announced the creation of the AWS Center for Quantum Networking. That effort will focus on a more overlooked facet of […]

Noise in Quantum Computing

Customers looking to solve their hardest computational problems often wonder about the production-readiness of quantum computing. They want to know when a full-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computer will be available, and what the obstacles are to achieving this ambitious goal. Current generation quantum computers are not fault-tolerant and have limited utility, but customers are experimenting with […]

Managing the cost of your experiments in Amazon Braket

Estimating the usage and cost of experiments is a key requirement for customers interacting with Amazon Braket. Customers want to have a way to track cost and usage as their algorithms run, especially for complex problems that require multiple cycles to yield a satisfactory result. Furthermore, given the wide variety of on-demand simulators and quantum […]

A guide to BMW’s Quantum Computing for Automotive Challenges

Post Event Update We had a great time in Munich with the BMW Group at the Quantum Computing for Automotive Challenges event on July 20-21. Dr. Helmut Katzgraber, Sr. Practice Manager for the AWS Quantum Solutions Lab, reported: “To date, the application scope of quantum computers for real-world problems remains narrow. This is why identifying […]

Announcing the AWS Center for Quantum Networking

Over the last decade, governments and technology companies have invested heavily in research and development of quantum computers that have the potential to revolutionize science and technology. While there is still a long way ahead, these investments have already transformed quantum computers: They have evolved from delicate laboratory systems accessible to only a few research […]