AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: cloud cost optimization

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Dispelling the top 8 cloud myths holding back Canadian public sector IT transformation"

Dispelling the top 8 cloud myths holding back Canadian public sector IT transformation

This post addresses eight common misconceptions about cloud computing held by Canadian public sector organizations. It covers cloud security, cost savings, value beyond expenses, and cloud providers’ investments in Canada. The insights shared will equip public sector leaders to make informed decisions and leverage cloud computing’s potential.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Use Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS customizations to deploy Cloud Intelligence Dashboards"

Use Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS customizations to deploy Cloud Intelligence Dashboards

In this post, you will learn how to deploy Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Intelligence Dashboards (CID) using the Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS (LZA) solution. In doing so, you will learn how to customize your LZA deployment using the customizations-config.yaml file. By utilizing the LZA and CID together, you can streamline the deployment process, ensure compliance with best practices, and gain valuable insights into your cloud environment, ultimately leading to improved operational efficiency, enhanced security, and better-informed decision-making.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "It's time to evolve IT procurement"

It’s time to evolve IT procurement

Cloud computing represents a transformational leap forward. But despite this advancement, many organizations still procure resources using methods suited for on-premises data centers, not cloud solutions. To fully harness the cloud’s potential, organizations should shift their mindset and adopt procurement processes that let them successfully evaluate options and choose the best solution. Read this blog post to learn more.

Higher education cloud financial planning: A former CFO’s perspective

Moving a college’s or university’s on-premises IT infrastructure to the cloud involves a lot of change in organization, culture, and practice. However, in my experience as a former chief financial officer (CFO) in higher education, financial planning for cloud computing is often not attended to with as much diligence. Financial planning needs to be understood as a positive feature of digital transformation, even if it means changing how financial plans are developed and managed. In this blog post, learn four strategies to consider when deciding to migrate to the cloud.

A team of researchers appear excited over a new discovery.

How to optimize costs for grant-based research projects with AWS

As the number of research workloads in the cloud grows, researchers face challenges in managing strict budgets with unpredictable workloads and fluctuating needs. Researchers must be frugal with time and money to further their goals in performing cutting-edge and important research. AWS provides many methods for effective cost management that can support organizations in their efforts to optimize the use of grant-based funds.

Four ways to buy cloud with federal year-end funds

The end of the US federal government fiscal year is fast approaching. With budget left to spend before September 30, agencies need to obligate their remaining 2022 fiscal year funds. AWS can provide federal agencies with options to procure future cloud computing resources using current-year funds. Learn more about efficient purchasing recommendations to meet your agency’s needs.

New research shows EU and UK healthcare sectors could save 14.4 billion euros with AWS

The AWS Cloud Economics Centre published a new analysis that identified 14.4 billion euros in potential information technology (IT) savings across the European Union and United Kingdom healthcare sectors over the next five years—the equivalent of 5,665 euros per hospital bed—through the digital transformation of IT systems by migrating to the cloud.

5 best practices to create a cloud cost allocation strategy for government customers

Before building in the cloud, government agencies need to determine how they want to allocate cloud costs in accordance with their jurisdictions’ transparency requirements and legislative oversight. A cloud cost allocation strategy–deciding how to distribute cloud costs to the users or beneficiaries of those incurred costs in a pre-defined way—is a foundational part of any agency’s cloud journey. Even though every organization’s cost allocation model may be unique, there are some common patterns, approaches, and best practices that you can leverage to design an effective strategy to meet your organization’s needs.

How to set up Galaxy for research on AWS using Amazon Lightsail

Galaxy is a scientific workflow, data integration, and digital preservation platform that aims to make computational biology accessible to research scientists that do not have computer programming or systems administration experience. Although it was initially developed for genomics research, it is largely domain agnostic and is now used as a general bioinformatics workflow management system, running on everything from academic mainframes to personal computers. But researchers and organizations may worry about capacity and the accessibility of compute power for those with limited or restrictive budgets. In this blog post, we explain how to implement Galaxy on the cloud at a predictable cost within your research or grant budget with Amazon Lightsail.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Hybrid connectivity to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial Regions using AWS Direct Connect"

Hybrid connectivity to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial Regions using AWS Direct Connect

To establish network connectivity between on-premises data centers, branch locations, and cloud resources, organizations use a hybrid network. This technical walkthrough explains how to implement hybrid connectivity from your premises to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial AWS Regions using a dedicated private network connection provided by AWS Direct Connect (DX).