AWS Public Sector Blog
Tag: aws lambda
Age UK Scales to Connect with 7 Million People Each Year
Age UK is the UK’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. They have the vision to make the UK a great place to grow older and they work every day to achieve this by providing companionship, advice, and support for older people who need it most. Scalability, cost savings, and security are key in delivering Age UK’s services to more than 7 million people every year. In 2012, Age UK turned to AWS to help revamp their technology to better support the older generation in the UK.
A Visit to Latin America: Collaboration with the Cloud
During my recent visit to Latin America, I was enchanted by the beauty, grace, and passion of tango dance during a show at the Buenos Aires Faena Hotel. The dancers reflect the Argentine people – honoring their history, tradition, and culture, but are not afraid to innovate, take chances, and lead. I was also amazed with the beauty of the Andes, delivering strength, power, a quiet peace and gentle inspiration. It is with this backdrop that I met with AWS customers in Latin America to discuss the power of cloud computing.
Faster Genome Search via AWS X-Ray
There are many arguments for building a serverless architecture. Chief among them, users only pay for the computing power they use. Organizations can begin by identifying and eliminating the bottlenecks in their workflow. For example, CSIRO Bioinformatics in Sydney, Australia, used AWS X-Ray to systematically evaluate their serverless architecture and, by doing so, improved their runtime by 80%.
Serverless Optical Character Recognition in Support of NASA Astronaut Safety
A guest post by Chris Shenton, CTO, V!Studios The NASA Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Office at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) needed to be able to search and make decisions based upon a huge volume of spacesuit safety and test documentation, many of which were only available as scans of paper reports. Timeliness was critical, especially […]
Using Technology to Combat Human Trafficking
After nearly disappearing in the ‘90s, the spread of child sexual abuse material exploded with the rise of the internet, as child sex trafficking increased with exposure to a greater market online. Today, the problem is complex and still growing. Thorn, a nonprofit, is working to build technology to defend children from sexual abuse.
Using a serverless architecture to collect and prioritize citizen feedback
Just as companies listen to their customers to align the business with their client needs, government organizations listen to their citizens to improve the citizen experience. In order to get feedback, many organizations use different tools with a multi-channel approach, such as customer comments, Helpdesk calls, emails, social media, or mobile apps. Using Amazon Simple […]
Lessons Learned from Building and Testing a Data Ingest Workflow at Scale
Dean Kleissas, Research Engineer working on the IARPA MICrONS Project at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), discussed the project, what makes it unique, and how the team leverages serverless technology in this blog post. From the team’s experience with building and testing their ingest workflow at scale, Dean had some lessons learned […]
Computational Genomics on AWS Lambda with the Genome Institute of Singapore
Propelled by current global efforts, such as personalized medicine and cancer research, genomics has become an essential tool for modern medicine and biology. Computational genomics deals with the interpretation of genomics data, which is growing at an exponential scale due to quickly evolving next-generation sequencing technologies. Input data size for single samples can easily reach […]
The Boss: A Petascale Database for Large-Scale Neuroscience Powered by Serverless Technologies
The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks (MICrONS) program seeks to revolutionize machine learning by better understanding the representations, transformations, and learning rules employed by the brain. We spoke with Dean Kleissas, Research Engineer working on the IARPA MICrONS Project at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), and […]
Building the Population of Future Engineers with AWS and Girls Who Code
AWS has been working with Girls Who Code, helping support their Summer Immersion Program, a 7-week summer camp where 10-11th grade girls learn coding skills and get introduced to cloud technology. Over the summer, AWS worked with this growing population of future engineers by hosting an introduction to AWS course and workshop at four Girls […]