AWS Public Sector Blog
Category: Open Source
The Future of Government Awards 2023 are open for nominations
Nominations are now open through December 14, 2023, for the Future of Government Awards, a global awards program that celebrates practitioners, teams, and leaders who are transforming people’s lives by applying digital solutions and leveraging technology to reform the public sector for those it serves.
How one council used machine learning to cut translation costs by 99.96%
Swindon Borough Council serves a multicultural community of 230,000 citizens in the south of England. We continuously review emerging and evolving technologies, seeking to leverage them to reimagine and improve services, lower costs, and enhance efficiency. The success of a recent translation project that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud services is a prime example of this.
36 new or updated datasets on the Registry of Open Data: AI analysis-ready datasets and more
This quarter, AWS released 36 new or updated datasets. As July 16 is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Appreciation Day, the AWS Open Data team is highlighting three unique datasets that are analysis-ready for AI. What will you build with these datasets?
Raising the bar on accessibility for open-source public sector solutions
Performance Dashboard on AWS is an open source solution in the AWS Solutions Library designed by AWS experts to help organizations build, deploy, and maintain customizable dashboards to communicate the data-driven performance of public sector services. After this initial release, the Government Transformation Team (GTT) at AWS enlisted the help of the UK’s Digital Accessibility Centre (DAC), LevelAccess, and an internal AWS accessibility team to conduct accessibility audits to help our product team identify possible accessibility opportunities within the application.
33 new or updated datasets on the Registry of Open Data for Earth Day and more
The AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program makes high-value, cloud-optimized datasets publicly available on AWS. Through this program, customers are making over 100PB of high-value, cloud-optimized data available for public use. As April 22 is Earth Day, the AWS Open Data team wanted to highlight some new datasets from our geospatial and environmental communities of practice, as well as the other new or updated datasets available now on the Registry of Open Data on AWS and also discoverable on AWS Data Exchange.
Querying the Daylight OpenStreetMap Distribution with Amazon Athena
In 2020, Meta introduced the Daylight Map Distribution, which combines OpenStreetMap (OSM) data with quality and consistency checks from Daylight mapping partners to create a no-cost, stable, and simple-to-use global map. This blog post provides a brief overview of OSM and Daylight followed by a step-by-step tutorial using five real-world examples. We combine the powerful query capabilities of Amazon Athena from with the feature-rich Daylight OSM data to demonstrate a typical OSM data analysis workflow.
Mapping litter and plastic pollution with citizen science
As part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI), AWS invited Seán Lynch, the founder of OpenLitterMap, to share how AWS technologies and open data are helping to solve global challenges like biodiversity loss and plastic pollution with citizen science. Solutions like OpenLitterMap help unlock the potential that a global abundance of technology has for the collection and dissemination of pertinent data that is an instrumental part of positive social change.
Making weather forecasts more accessible using serverless infrastructure and open data on AWS
As part of the Registry of Open Data on AWS, AWS invited Alexander Rey, creator of Pirate Weather, to share how AWS technologies and open data are supporting his efforts to provide a no cost and open weather forecast API.
Announcing the winners of the inaugural Future of Government Awards: Celebrating digital transformation initiatives around the world
Today, the winners of the first Future of Government Awards were announced. The Future of Government Awards is a program recognizing the people and projects leading public sector digital transformation around the world. We received more than 150 nominations from 52 countries across three categories for this year’s awards. In this blog post, meet the winners and learn their stories.
Announcing the Future of Government Awards to recognize leaders in digital transformation
Nominations are now open for the Future of Government Awards, a new global awards program to recognize the people and projects leading the digital transformation of governments around the world. The Future of Government Awards program seeks to celebrate the hidden public sector heroes who work tirelessly to modernize their governments to improve citizen services. The awards champion innovative technology solutions that the public sector has created and shared—as well as the stories of government organizations that have successfully adapted and reused them. Nominate a public sector digital transformation hero today.