AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Open Source

Open Distro for Elasticsearch security plugin Kibana window showing permissions and roles as well as authentication back ends

Change your Admin Passwords in Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – Open Distro for Elasticsearch ships with an advanced security plugin. The plugin comes pre-configured with a number of different users and default passwords for them – of course, you will want to change those defaults! Passwords for some of the preconfigured users—kibanaro, logstash, readall, and snapshotrestore—are available to change in the Security UI in Kibana. […]

real-time status of Citi Bike stations in New York City.

Managing Amazon EKS Clusters with Rancher

中文版 – Rancher is a popular open-source tool used by many organizations to manage Kubernetes clusters. Rancher has extended support for Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS). With this capability, Rancher users no longer need to directly manage their own Kubernetes clusters on AWS. Using Amazon EKS with Rancher combines the ease of […]

Open Distro for Elasticsearch kibana login screen

Get Up and Running with Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – On March 11, 2019, we released Open Distro for Elasticsearch, a value-added distribution of Elasticsearch that is 100% open source (Apache 2.0 license) and supported by AWS. (See also Open Distro for Elasticsearch from Jeff Barr and Keeping Open Source Open – Open Distro for Elasticsearch from Adrian Cockcroft.) In addition to the source […]

Deploying the AWS IAM Authenticator to kops

This post is an updated version of Deploying the Heptio Authenticator to kops. Heptio Authenticator has since been donated to the Cloud Provider Special Interest Group (SIG), allowing the project to be collaboratively worked on. Now, instead of needing to manually configure the Authenticator, you can use kops primitives to deploy automatically when a cluster […]

photo by Adrian Cockcroft taken at Petra March 10, 2019.

Keeping Open Source Open – Open Distro for Elasticsearch

中文版 – At AWS, we focus on solving problems for customers. Over the years, customer usage and dependencies on open source technologies have been steadily increasing; this is why we’ve long been committed to open source, and our pace of contributions to open source projects – both our own and others’ – continues to accelerate. […]

Demystifying ENTRYPOINT and CMD in Docker

中文版 – As you begin your Docker container creation journey, you might find yourself faced with a puzzling question: Should your Dockerfile contain an ENTRYPOINT instruction, a CMD instruction, or both? In this post, I discuss the differences between the two in detail, and explain how best to use them in various use cases you […]