Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Customer Solutions

Amazon CloudFront introduces Origin Access Control (OAC)

Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network that securely delivers applications, websites, videos, and APIs to viewers across the globe in milliseconds. Using CloudFront, customers can access different types of origin services to suit their use cases. One of the performant architectures customers adopt is to use Amazon S3 as the origin to host […]

Three advanced design patterns for high available applications using Amazon CloudFront

Any web application using Amazon CloudFront benefits from the inherent high availability of this AWS service. It’s a globally distributed network that is immune to local hardware failures or network congestion. Furthermore, it’s built on top of the AWS global network, which provides better isolation from the public internet. Finally, it’s designed with various advanced […]

How Repsol manages and monitors their AWS network with dashboards, alarms and automation

Large enterprises often deploy workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using multiple accounts. This helps isolate workloads, manage permissions more easily, and simplifies cost allocation. However, managing a multi-account environment can make your network topology more complex and requires additional monitoring and automation. At Repsol, a global multi-energy company present throughout the entire value chain, […]

AWS Direct Connect monitoring and failover with Anomaly Detection

As enterprises move to the Cloud, having a reliable network connection to their on-premises data centers is fundamental. In this post, I show how to monitor your AWS Direct Connect links and initiate remediation (including automatic failover) when degradation in end-to-end path quality (packet loss, high latency) is detected. Multiple Direct Connect links at separate […]

Test Automation of multicast IoT devices at Doppelio using IGMP v2 and the AWS Transit Gateway

Context IoT solutions today are both complex and business critical. At the same time, testing them thoroughly proves difficult because of the need to apply conditions of load, network, sensor behavior, and others. To address these, “Doppelio” – a SaaS-based IoT test automation solution was built as it helps alleviate IoT test limitations. It does […]

Audible Plus

CloudFront Migration Series (Part 2): Audible Plus, The Turning Point

Introduction In 2020, users have come to expect a flawless streaming media experience, whether it’s video, music, or audiobooks. Playback must start quickly and be resilient to changes in network availability and bandwidth. To deliver all of this content, you must have a performant, highly available and reliable Content Delivery Network (CDN) to reach customers […]

Scale your Remote VPN on AWS

Scale your Remote Access VPN on AWS

AWS gives you the ability to extend existing on-premises remote access VPN solutions to the cloud. This not only allows access to resources within AWS, but using hybrid connectivity, also to on-premises resources. VPN clients use AWS internet connectivity as an entry point, and the flexibility of Amazon EC2 to scale capacity behind remote access […]