Networking & Content Delivery
Category: Amazon VPC
Hybrid security inspection architectures with AWS Cloud WAN and AWS Direct Connect
AWS Cloud WAN makes it easy to build and operate wide area networks that connect your data centers and branch offices, as well as your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). With Cloud WAN, you connect to AWS through your choice of local network providers, then use a central dashboard and network policies to create a […]
Best practices and considerations to migrate from VPC Peering to AWS Transit Gateway
This post presents recommendations and best practices when migrating your existing VPCs from Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Peering to AWS Transit Gateway. It includes a migration walkthrough and considerations that you can address to improve your odds of a seamless migration. This post also details common networking testing and bench-marking tools such as iPerf […]
Connecting VPCs securely and at scale to 3rd party public services in on-premises networks
There are many things to consider when connecting your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs) to third-party applications running in data centers outside AWS. You need connections that are secure and scalable, especially when the third-party vendor uses a multi-tenant architecture. With multi-tenant services, where they have many of their customers sharing the same system, […]
Inspecting network traffic between Amazon VPCs with AWS Cloud WAN
Update: As of June 11 2024, the Service Insertion feature of AWS Cloud WAN allows users to easily insert firewalls and other security solutions into the traffic flow within a Cloud WAN environment. Rather than manually configuring the underlying routing required to insert these security services, as described in this blog, Service Insertion provides a managed offering that handles this […]
Build secure multi-account multi-VPC connectivity for your applications with Amazon VPC Lattice
Introduction In this blog post, we will discuss how you can use Amazon VPC Lattice to connect your services securely, and monitor communication flows, in a simple and consistent way across instances, containers, and serverless, in a multi-account and multi-Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) environment. We’ll define the new constructs VPC Lattice leverages to enable application […]
Centralizing outbound Internet traffic for dual stack IPv4 and IPv6 VPCs
Organizations have been adopting IPv6 in their IPv4 environments to solve IP address exhaustion or meet compliance requirements. Since IPv6 isn’t backward compatible with IPv4, several mechanisms can facilitate communication between hosts that support one or both protocols. One common way is by using dual stack deployments. For architectures where dual stack deployments aren’t the […]
VPC Routing Enhancements and GWLB Deployment Patterns
At re:Invent 2020, AWS introduced Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB), an AWS service that helps you deploy, scale, and manage third-party virtual network appliances, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and others. GWLB is a type of load balancer under the Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) family. Other load balancers within the ELB family include […]
AWS Network Optimization Tips
When thinking about architecture, it’s very common to come across scenarios where there is no right or wrong answer – the best answer is “it depends”. You must carefully consider the tradeoffs between cost, performance, reliability, and operational efficiency before coming to a decision. A little planning ahead of time can help you avoid numerous […]
Amazon VPC IP Address Manager Best Practices
Internet Protocol (IP) address management is an essential network planning and management component, and creating a scalable addressing scheme allows your AWS and hybrid network to expand, accommodating the needs of your workloads. Careful consideration for how your IP address space is allocated minimizes the risk of overlapping Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) blocks, and of […]
Visualize and diagnose network reachability across AWS accounts using Reachability Analyzer
It is common to encounter network designs on AWS with resources that belong to multiple AWS accounts. For example, you may have several AWS accounts with Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) in those accounts connected to an AWS Transit Gateway in a central networking account. You may need to determine or diagnose network reachability between AWS […]