AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Tag: Automation

How Merck Automated AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Initialization and Monitoring

Blog is guest authored by Nasia Ullas of MSD. Enhancing the resilience and productivity of manufacturing processes is essential for pharmaceutical companies to meet business continuity objectives and innovate continuously. Merck & Co., Inc., also known as MSD outside of the United States and Canada, a global bio-pharmaceutical company, mitigated resilience challenges by adopting AWS […]

Automate your Multicloud operations with AWS Systems Manager and AWS Lambda

A multicloud strategy presents various challenges, including observing and managing applications and infrastructure across multiple cloud platforms. Maintaining consistent tooling for visualizing operational data and automating actions helps organizations address this challenge. Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Systems Manager are two services that provide unified monitoring, observability, and automation capabilities for workloads deployed on AWS, on-premises, […]

Automate CloudWatch Dashboard creation for your AWS Elemental Mediapackage and AWS Elemental Medialive

Introduction Monitoring the health and performance of your media services is critical to ensuring a seamless viewing experience for your customers. Amazon CloudWatch provides powerful monitoring capabilities for Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources. Setting up comprehensive dashboards can be a time-consuming process, especially for organizations managing large number of resources across multiple regions. The Automatic CloudWatch […]

Delivering Business Value with Cloud Platform Teams

Imagine a world where software developers build applications quickly on the cloud, focusing on innovative features, unburdened by complex infrastructure and intricate configurations. Welcome to the era of the cloud platform team. Cloud platform teams build internal tools, automation, and self-service infrastructure to free developers from commodity tasks and enable them to innovate faster. However, […]

Accelerate Modernization outcomes with Automation

Introduction As organizations move towards modernizing their workloads in the cloud, there are key capabilities that need to be in place to enable the success of the modernization journey. The capabilities include organization structure, modernization strategy, automation, team readiness, and stakeholder sponsorship. Out of these, automation plays an outsized role in realizing the benefits of […]

Using Puppet to automate AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery for Amazon EC2 instances at scale

Customers improve their disaster recovery posture with automation. Automation reduces the operational overhead of managing source servers and automatically implementing your disaster recovery strategy. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery replicates your servers, such as Amazon EC2 instances. In the case of a disaster, you can use AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery to recover your application servers. It […]

Self-service Account Provisioning Using AWS Service Management Connector for ServiceNow

Many customers are looking to adopt a multi-account strategy within their AWS environment. This allows customers to isolate their workloads into different environments including test, dev, and production in addition to separating workloads based on regulatory requirements. As customers scale their multi-account environments, one strategy to increase agility is to offer business units their own […]

Auto-remediate best practice deviations detected by AWS Trusted Advisor

AWS Trusted Advisor inspects your AWS infrastructure and provides best practice recommendations when opportunities exist to reduce cost, optimize your AWS infrastructure, improve system availability and performance, help close security gaps and monitor service quotas. Trusted Advisor recommendations are based on best practices identified by AWS services experts and learnings from serving thousands of customers […]

Organizational culture for Cloud Adoption

Maximize Cloud Adoption Benefits with a Well-Architected Organizational Culture

Organizational culture, often described as the “personality” of an organization, determines how people work, interact, and respond to change and challenges. There is strong recognition, supported by evidence, that an organization’s culture is a powerful determinant of transformation success. Culture’s impact is magnified in cloud transformation, where the cloud’s extraordinary capabilities are limited only by […]

Schedule automated operations for your Terraform managed resources on AWS

Introduction Do you have AWS resources deployed with Terraform where you would like to perform specific operations on schedule while avoiding drift in state? Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that helps you build, change, and version cloud and on-premise resources safely and efficiently. This post describes a pattern that can be used to […]