AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Monitoring Generative AI applications using Amazon Bedrock and Amazon CloudWatch integration

Amazon Bedrock is an easy way to build and scale generative AI applications with foundation models (FMs). As a fully managed service, it offers a choice of high-performing FMs from leading AI companies including AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon. It also offers a broad set of capabilities needed to build generative […]

Provisioning access to security and audit teams in an AWS multi-account environment created by AWS Control Tower

AWS Control Tower offers the easiest way to set up and govern a secure, compliant, and multi-account AWS environment based on best practices established by working with thousands of enterprises. Organizations can leverage built-in preventive, proactive, and detective controls as a starting point to address the customer part of the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. Control […]

How to reduce Istio sidecar metric cardinality with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

How to reduce Istio sidecar metric cardinality with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

The complexity of distributed systems has grown significantly, making monitoring and observability essential for application and infrastructure reliability. As organizations adopt microservice-based architectures and large-scale distributed systems, they face the challenge of managing an increasing volume of telemetry data, particularly high metric cardinality in systems like Prometheus. To address this, many are turning to service […]

Estimating Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for modernizing workloads on AWS using Containerization – Part 1

Introduction When you migrate your on-premises applications to the cloud, you can use a cloud migration strategy. AWS supports the seven most common migration strategies, “The 7 Rs”. Which approach makes sense for a specific workload is situational and depends on that organization’s business drivers and strategy. Understanding the total cost of ownership (TCO) is […]

Identify AWS Systems Manager Patch Compliance Status with AWS CloudTrail Lake

Security and compliance is a shared responsibility between AWS and the customer. The shared responsibility model outlines responsibilities for Security of the Cloud versus Security in the Cloud. Customers are responsible for Security in the Cloud, which includes patching Amazon EC2 instances. For the customers running workloads on EC2 instances, during security audits, they may be […]

Improve your feature flagging with AWS AppConfig Version Labels

Improve your feature flagging with AWS AppConfig Version Labels

AWS AppConfig is a feature of AWS Systems Manager that helps you increase your software deployment velocity and confidence. Providing dynamic configuration and feature flagging, AppConfig is a tool that decouples your feature releases from code deployments. You can create new features and push the code to production with the new feature hidden behind a […]

Automate Setup of AWS Application Migration Service and Elastic Disaster Recovery

Introduction AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) is the automated lift-and-shift service that facilitates server migrations to AWS at scale. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (AWS DRS) is the service which increases resilience of both on-premises and cloud-based applications by replicating data to AWS. Customers using AWS MGN or AWS DRS are required to perform manual setup […]

Transitioning from Migration to Modernization on the Cloud

Introduction Migrating to cloud is the first step in modernizing the IT landscape. By completing the migration, the enterprise is laying the foundation for a more modern, agile, and secure IT environment. However, in many organizations, the initial momentum built during migration often slows down and leads to a stall. The true potential of cloud […]

Strategizing Mainframe Scheduler Migration to AWS

Mainframe environments typically involve complex batch processing tasks used for critical and time-sensitive business operations. As mainframe applications are migrated to AWS using  AWS Mainframe Modernization service, similar batch processing capabilities are required. This blog explores the approach and patterns for selection and migration of the mainframe job scheduler to AWS. Overview AWS Mainframe Modernization […]

Using Lambda-backed Custom Resources to Reduce Overhead in a Multi-Account Environment

Using Lambda-backed Custom Resources to Reduce Overhead in a Multi-Account Environment

Introduction Many of my customers use AWS CloudFormation to streamline provisioning operations for AWS and third-party resources, that they describe with code in JSON- or YAML-formatted CloudFormation templates. Some workloads require custom logic or inputs beyond standard parameter values. For these scenarios, an often overlooked and useful CloudFormation feature lies in AWS Lambda-backed custom resources. With Lambda-backed custom […]