AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Category: Migration & Transfer Services

Minimizing ambiguity in custom scope migrations

Introduction Cloud migration is a transformative journey that unlocks new opportunities for businesses. However, this transition can be overwhelming, and it necessitates a phased approach that utilizes different migration strategies. Initially, applications that require minimal changes are migrated using lift and shift strategy. More complex monolithic applications, that require re-architecting or refactoring to leverage cloud-native capabilities, are […]

Assess secure Windows Servers for TCO analysis using Migration Evaluator

Summary In this blog post, we explore an approach that leverages Windows operating system tools to extract critical metric data directly from Windows Servers. At Amazon Web Services (AWS), we offer the Migration Evaluator agentless collector and AWS Application Discovery Service to facilitate workload discovery. However, some customers run highly secure workloads where deploying assessment tools, enabling […]

Image with a blue background with the following text Accelerate VMware Migrations to AWS using AWS Migration Hub Journeys

Accelerate VMware Migrations to AWS using AWS Migration Hub Journeys

In January 2024, we introduced Migration Hub Journeys to guide and accelerate the migration and modernization of applications. Journeys help optimize planning, execution, and tracking through task-based templates with expert guidance, specialized tools, and cross-team collaboration, enabling you to migrate and modernize applications seamlessly. Today, we’re excited to publish new migration journey templates for AWS […]

Securely administer servers migrated with AWS Application Migration Service using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager

Securely administer servers migrated with AWS Application Migration Service using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager

Introduction In this blog post, we will illustrate how to automate the configuration necessary to manage migrated servers with improved security and reduced costs. To administer servers in an on-premises environment, administrators often use secure shell (SSH) or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect. After migrating to Amazon Web Services (AWS), this may not be […]

Migrate VMware virtual machines (VMs) to Amazon EC2 with the AWS Application Migration Service Replication Agent

Introduction In this blog post, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of completing VMware virtual machine (VM) migrations to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) using the (Application Migration Service). Moreover, we will show how to apply a custom post-launch action script to remove proprietary VMware tools from the migrated VMs. Migrating on-premises […]

Featured Image: Create a data-driven Migration Business Case using AWS Cloud Value Framework

Create a data-driven Migration Business Case using AWS Cloud Value Framework

AWS customers realize more than a 5:1 ratio of benefits to investment costs over five years with breakeven on their investment occurring in an average of 10 months (source: “The Business Value of Amazon Web Services”, an IDC whitepaper). This blog aims to help Information Technology (IT) teams calculate this value using the tools needed […]

Distribute an Amazon Machine Image to another AWS Account using AWS Application Migration Service Post-launch automation

Many customers migrating their workloads to AWS using AWS Application Migration Service want to use different AWS accounts to support their company’s governance and security needs. Customers may also choose to use Infrastructure As Code (IaC) templates using AWS CloudFormation or Terraform with Application Migration Service to deploy source servers to different AWS Accounts. To […]

Anonymizing Sensitive Data of the Migration Evaluator’s Export File

1. Introduction Migration Evaluator is a complimentary migration assessment service that helps customers to create a data-driven directional business case for migrating workloads to AWS. It includes a data collection tool that discovers server workloads running on-premises, along with their utilization patterns. Data from the Migration Evaluator collector needs to be received by the AWS […]

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Accelerated Transformation: Streamline Application Modernization During Migration

Introduction Application modernization involves discovery, analysis, extraction, containerization and deployment of an application migrated to AWS. The AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) simplifies and expedites your migration to AWS by automatically converting your source servers from physical, virtual, or other cloud infrastructure to run natively on AWS. In this post, I use post-launch actions […]

How to Skip Testing and Finalize Cutover in the AWS Application Migration Service

How to Skip Testing and Finalize Cutover in the AWS Application Migration Service

Introduction The purpose of this blog post is to show the steps on how to change the lifecycle status of a source server from “Ready for testing” to “Ready for cutover” to bypass the testing steps when using the AWS Application Migration Service (MGN). This approach can be used for specific scenarios where you want […]