AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Category: AWS Control Tower

Solution architecture for Batch account creation using AWS Control Tower

How to automate the creation of multiple accounts in AWS Control Tower

Last updated 24 Feb 2022 to support submission of 300+ account entries per each deployment. Last updated 17 Nov 2021 to handle the changes to Account Factory inputs parameters with Nested OU support. Last updated 25 JUL 2021 to pass account details from local S3 bucket. Many customers that we work with are creating and […]

AWS IAM Access Analyzer and AWS Control Tower Featured Image

Enabling AWS IAM Access Analyzer on AWS Control Tower accounts

Many of the customers we work with look for ways to manage compliance and gain additional insights across their AWS multi-account organization from a central location. We often begin the discussion with AWS Control Tower, as it offers the easiest way to set up and govern a multi-account AWS environment. AWS Control Tower is an […]

Implementing Serverless Transit Network Orchestrator (STNO) in AWS Control Tower

Introduction Many of the customers that we have worked with are using advanced network architectures in AWS for multi-VPC and multi-account architectures. Placing workloads into separate Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) has several advantages, chief among them isolating sensitive workloads and allowing teams to innovate without fear of impacting other systems. Many companies are taking […]

Multi-account framework

Governance, risk, and compliance when establishing your cloud presence

June 22, 2021: We’ve updated this post to reference the recently published Management & Governance Lens, an extension of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. When speaking with the business and technology leaders I work with, they express the need to bring new products and services to market quickly. They must also stay secure while doing so. […]

Workflow diagram that shows how Control Tower's lifecycle events are generated and recorded

Using lifecycle events to track AWS Control Tower actions and trigger automated workflows

Many customers that I work with are creating and provisioning new accounts using AWS Control Tower. They prefer an AWS native solution for creating their environment knowing that it will be based upon documented AWS Best Practices. As customers scale their account creation, there exists an opportunity to use additional Control Tower features to perform […]

Enabling self-service provisioning of AWS resources with AWS Control Tower

Customers provision new accounts in AWS Control Tower whenever they are on-boarding new business units or setting up application workloads. In some cases, organizations also want their cloud users, developers, and data scientists to deploy self-service standardized and secure patterns and architectures with the new account. Here are a few examples: A developer or cloud […]

How to take advantage of AWS Control Tower and CloudEndure to migrate workloads to AWS

June 22, 2021: This blog post describes CloudEndure Migration. AWS Application Migration Service, the next generation of CloudEndure Migration, is now the recommended service for lift-and-shift migrations to AWS. Most of the customers we work with want to migrate their existing workloads to an AWS environment. They prefer to follow documented AWS best practices, especially […]

How to Detect and Mitigate Guardrail Violation with AWS Control Tower

Many companies that I work with would like to innovate fast in the cloud by adopting a self-service infrastructure provisioning model in a multi-account environment. However, maintaining security and governance in such a model is an organizational challenge. Without structured guardrails and baseline configuration enforcement, troubleshooting and mitigating risk can be cumbersome. AWS Control Tower […]