AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Generative AI

Create super resolution for legacy media content at scale with generative AI and AWS

Introduction Today, media and entertainment companies own a large number of legacy media content that was created in low or standard resolutions before high-resolution technology was available—for instance, movies, television shows, music videos, and sports highlight clips. Given today’s advancements in display technology, it’s common for audiences to demand video content to be delivered in […]

IMG ARENA predicts golfer performance with Amazon SageMaker

In an era of advanced analytics, fans of professional sports expect more than subjective commentary as part of the viewing experience. They seek data-driven insights, which is where company IMG ARENA (IMGA) excels. Harnessing the power of official sports data to deliver fan-centric experiences, IMGA has helped rights holders, the media, and betting industries offer […]

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Generative AI assists creative workflows with inpaint eraser and Amazon SageMaker – Part 1

Introduction Generative AI is transforming how content is created and consumed. Media & Entertainment (M&E) companies face growing demand for personalized and engaging content to serve their audiences across multiple channels. Models like Stable Diffusion, where images and video can be generated with just a simple text prompt, allows businesses to leverage generative AI as […]