AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Generative AI

Discover insights from Box with the Amazon Q Box connector

Seamless access to content and insights is crucial for delivering exceptional customer experiences and driving successful business outcomes. Box, a leading cloud content management platform, serves as a central repository for diverse digital assets and documents in many organizations. An enterprise Box account typically contains a wealth of materials, including documents, presentations, knowledge articles, and […]

How Twilio generated SQL using Looker Modeling Language data with Amazon Bedrock

As one of the largest AWS customers, Twilio engages with data, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) services to run their daily workloads. This post highlights how Twilio enabled natural language-driven data exploration of business intelligence (BI) data with RAG and Amazon Bedrock.

Build custom generative AI applications powered by Amazon Bedrock

With my blog post from June, I started a series that highlights the key factors that are driving customers to choose Amazon Bedrock. I explored how Bedrock enables customers to build a secure, compliant foundation for generative AI applications. Now I’d like to turn to a slightly more technical, but equally important differentiator for Bedrock—the multiple techniques that you can use to customize models and meet your specific business needs.

MusicGen on Amazon SageMaker Asynchronous Inference

Inference AudioCraft MusicGen models using Amazon SageMaker

Music generation models have emerged as powerful tools that transform natural language text into musical compositions. Originating from advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning, these models are designed to understand and translate descriptive text into coherent, aesthetically pleasing music. Their ability to democratize music production allows individuals without formal training to create high-quality […]

Build an end-to-end RAG solution using Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases and AWS CloudFormation

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a state-of-the-art approach to building question answering systems that combines the strengths of retrieval and foundation models (FMs). RAG models first retrieve relevant information from a large corpus of text and then use a FM to synthesize an answer based on the retrieved information. An end-to-end RAG solution involves several […]

Catalog, query, and search audio programs with Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases

Information retrieval systems have powered the information age through their ability to crawl and sift through massive amounts of data and quickly return accurate and relevant results. These systems, such as search engines and databases, typically work by indexing on keywords and fields contained in data files. However, much of our data in the digital […]

Cepsa Química improves the efficiency and accuracy of product stewardship using Amazon Bedrock

In this post, we explain how Cepsa Química and partner Keepler have implemented a generative AI assistant to increase the efficiency of the product stewardship team when answering compliance queries related to the chemical products they market. To accelerate development, they used Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon through a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities to build generative AI applications with security, privacy and safety.

Few-shot prompt engineering and fine-tuning for LLMs in Amazon Bedrock

This blog is part of the series, Generative AI and AI/ML in Capital Markets and Financial Services. Company earnings calls are crucial events that provide transparency into a company’s financial health and prospects. Earnings reports detail a firm’s financials over a specific period, including revenue, net income, earnings per share, balance sheet, and cash flow […]

Import a fine-tuned Meta Llama 3 model for SQL query generation on Amazon Bedrock

In this post, we demonstrate the process of fine-tuning Meta Llama 3 8B on SageMaker to specialize it in the generation of SQL queries (text-to-SQL). Meta Llama 3 8B is a relatively small model that offers a balance between performance and resource efficiency. AWS customers have explored fine-tuning Meta Llama 3 8B for the generation of SQL queries—especially when using non-standard SQL dialects—and have requested methods to import their customized models into Amazon Bedrock to benefit from the managed infrastructure and security that Amazon Bedrock provides when serving those models.

Unlocking Japanese LLMs with AWS Trainium: Innovators Showcase from the AWS LLM Development Support Program

Since its launch, the LLM Program has welcomed 15 diverse companies and organizations, each with a unique vision for how to use LLMs to drive progress in their respective industries. The program provides comprehensive support through guidance on securing high-performance compute infrastructure, technical assistance and troubleshooting for distributed training, cloud credits, and support for go-to-market. The program also facilitated collaborative knowledge-sharing sessions, where the leading LLM engineers came together to discuss the technical complexities and commercial considerations of their work. This holistic approach enabled participating organizations to rapidly advance their generative AI capabilities and bring transformative solutions to market. Let’s dive in and explore how these organizations are transforming what’s possible with generative AI on AWS.