AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Analytics

Intelligent governance of document processing pipelines for regulated industries

Processing large documents like PDFs and static images is a cornerstone of today’s highly regulated industries. From healthcare information like doctor-patient visits and bills of health, to financial documents like loan applications, tax filings, research reports, and regulatory filings, these documents are integral to how these industries conduct business. The mechanisms by which these documents […]

Enable cross-account access for Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler using AWS Lake Formation

Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler is the fastest and easiest way for data scientists to prepare data for machine learning (ML) applications. With Data Wrangler, you can simplify the process of feature engineering and complete each step of the data preparation workflow, including data selection, cleansing, exploration, and visualization through a single visual interface. Data Wrangler […]

Perform interactive data processing using Spark in Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebooks

Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML). With a single click, data scientists and developers can quickly spin up Studio notebooks to explore datasets and build models. You can now use Studio notebooks to securely connect to Amazon EMR clusters and prepare vast amounts of data for […]

You already know how to use Amazon Athena to transform data in Amazon S3 using simple SQL commands

Translate, redact, and analyze text using SQL functions with Amazon Athena, Amazon Translate, and Amazon Comprehend

October 2021 Update (v0.3.0): Added support for Amazon Comprehend DetectKeyPhrases You have Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets full of files containing incoming customer chats, product reviews, and social media feeds, in many languages. Your task is to identify the products that people are talking about, determine if they’re expressing happy thoughts or sad […]

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

Setting up Amazon Personalize with AWS Glue

Data can be used in a variety of ways to satisfy the needs of different business units, such as marketing, sales, or product. In this post, we focus on using data to create personalized recommendations to improve end-user engagement. Most ecommerce applications consume a huge amount of customer data that can be used to provide […]

The following is the architecture diagram for integrating online ML inference in a telemedicine contact flow via Amazon Connect.

Applying voice classification in an Amazon Connect telemedicine contact flow

Given the rising demand for fast and effective COVID-19 detection, customers are exploring the usage of respiratory sound data, like coughing, breathing, and counting, to automatically diagnose COVID-19 based on machine learning (ML) models. University of Cambridge researchers built a COVID-19 sound application and demonstrated that a simple binary ML classifier can classify healthy and […]

Data processing options for AI/ML

This blog post was reviewed and updated June, 2022 to include new features that have been added to the Data processing such as Amazon SageMaker Studio and EMR integration. Training an accurate machine learning (ML) model requires many different steps, but none are potentially more important than data processing. Examples of processing steps include converting […]

The following diagram shows the serverless architecture that you build.

Setting up an IVR to collect customer feedback via phone using Amazon Connect and AWS AI Services

As many companies place their focus on customer centricity, customer feedback becomes a top priority. However, as new laws are formed, for instance GDPR in Europe, collecting feedback from customers can become increasingly difficult. One means of collecting this feedback is via phone. When a customer calls an agency or call center, feedback may be […]

Forecasting AWS spend using the AWS Cost and Usage Reports, AWS Glue DataBrew, and Amazon Forecast

AWS Cost Explorer enables you to view and analyze your AWS Cost and Usage Reports (AWS CUR). You can also predict your overall cost associated with AWS services in the future by creating a forecast of AWS Cost Explorer, but you can’t view historical data beyond 12 months. Moreover, running custom machine learning (ML) models […]

Saving time with personalized videos using AWS machine learning

CLIPr aspires to help save 1 billion hours of people’s time. We organize video into a first-class, searchable data source that unlocks the content most relevant to your interests using AWS machine learning (ML) services. CLIPr simplifies the extraction of information in videos, saving you hours by eliminating the need to skim through them manually […]